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The Essay Structure Tipping Point
Main Points – Full of Flavour and Relish The Essay Structure Introduction Main Points – Full of Flavour and Relish Conclusion
The Essay Structure Introduction Define any key terms (learn these off by heart), brief outline of the essay.
The Essay Structure Main Points – Full of Flavour and Relish Each layer should add to the last – building your zinger burger! It must be a taste sensation – including evidence, dates, figures. And you must PEEL your paragraphs – always linking everything you say back to the overall question – how does it help you answer it?
The Essay Structure Conclusion Draw everything together – make sure that you answer the question that has actually been asked. If the question permits – consider stating the significance of the issue – showing both sides of the story and then summing up your conclusion.
The Essay Structure Introduction Define any key terms (learn these off by heart), brief outline of the essay. Main Points – Full of Flavour and Relish Each layer should add to the last – building your zinger burger! It must be a taste sensation – including evidence, dates, figures. And you must PEEL your paragraphs – always linking everything you say back to the overall question – how does it help you answer it? Conclusion Draw everything together – make sure that you answer the question that has actually been asked. If the question permits – consider stating the significance of the issue – showing both sides of the story and then summing up your conclusion.
Using examples, illustrate the factors leading to the global and regional patterns of food production and consumption. (20 Marks)
Using examples, illustrate the factors leading to the global and regional patterns of food production and consumption. Human Physical
We need to use Post-its to build up the bigger picture...
Stage 1 Using examples, illustrate the factors leading to the global and regional patterns of food production and consumption. In pairs...write down as many points that could be included in 2 minutes OF HUMAN AND PHYSICAL FACTORS Stage 2 ...now look at your list and try to group them into categories of main points Human Factors Physical Factors Increase crop yield Decreased crop yield Production Consumption
Stage 4 Find as many statistics / facts that you could include and write them on a postit note and stick On to the correct leg of the spider diagram Stage 5 Now get into your group of four, share the points that you have. Assess the extent to which the experiences of people living in a place that you have studied have been affected by the development of the area’s infrastructure (20 marks) Stage 6 In your four - use all of you postits and try and make links between the points - move the postits together to show the links e.g. building maybird increases traffic congestion along Birmingham road slowing average speeds to 15mph.
Stage 7 Turn your A3 sheet over and write the question at the top. Then move your connected postits into a rough order to build you essay structure Using examples, illustrate the factors leading to the global and regional patterns of food production and consumption. 20 MARKS
Stage 8 As a group write an introduction and a conclusion above and below the positits Using examples, illustrate the factors leading to the global and regional patterns of food production and consumption. Using examples, illustrate the factors leading to the global and regional patterns of food production and consumption. Introduction Conclusion
Stage 9 - Take a photo of the planning sheet, and then EACH answer the question.