Languages and Compilers (SProg og Oversættere) Bent Thomsen Department of Computer Science Aalborg University With acknowledgement to Norm Hutchinson whose slides this lecture is based on.
The usefulness of Interpreters Quick implementation of new language Remember bootstrapping Testing and debugging Portability via Abstract Machine Hardware emulation
Interpreters Example: Testing programs in Triangle for early feedback on language design Triangle P Triangle x86 Triangle x86 Functional equivalence Note: Note we can write our Triangle interpreter in C or Java or …
Interpreters An interpreter is a language processor implemented in software, i.e. as a program. Terminology: abstract (or virtual) machine versus real machine Example: The Java Virtual Machine JVM Tetris JVM x86 x86 Q: Why are abstract machines useful?
Interpreters Q: Why are abstract machines useful? 1) Abstract machines provide better platform independence JVM Tetris JVM Tetris JVM x86 JVM PPC x86 PPC
Interpreters Q: Why are abstract machines useful? 2) Abstract machines are useful for testing and debugging. Example: Testing the “Ultima” processor using hardware emulation Ultima P Ultima x86 Ultima x86 Functional equivalence Note: we don’t have to implement Ultima emulator in x86 we can use a high-level language and compile it.
Interpreters versus Compilers Q: What are the tradeoffs between compilation and interpretation? Compilers typically offer more advantages when programs are deployed in a production setting programs are “repetitive” the instructions of the programming language are complex Interpreters typically are a better choice when we are in a development/testing/debugging stage programs are run once and then discarded the instructions of the language are simple the execution speed is overshadowed by other factors e.g. on a web server where communications costs are much higher than execution speed
Interpretation Takes in source program and executes immediately Two categories of interpreters: Iterative Recursive
Iterative interpretation Follows a very simple scheme: Typical source language will have several instructions Execution then is just a big case statement one for each instruction Initialize Do { fetch next instruction analyze instruction execute instruction } while (still running)
Iterative Interpreters Command languages Query languages SQL Simple programming languages Basic Virtual Machines
Mini-shell Script ::= Command* Command ::= Command-Name Argument* end-of-line Argument ::= Filename | Literal Command-Name ::= create | delete | edit | list | print | quit | Filename
Mini-Shell Interpreter Public class MiniShellCommand { public String name; public String[] args; } Public class MiniShellState { //File store… public … //Registers public byte status; //Running or Halted or Failed public static final byte // status values RUNNING = 0, HALTED = 1, FAILED = 2;
Mini-Shell Interpreter Public class MiniShell extends MiniShellState { public void Interpret () { … // Execute the commands entered by the user // terminating with a quit command } public MiniShellCommand readAnalyze () { … //Read, analysze, and return //the next command entered by the user public void create (String fname) { … // Create empty file wit the given name public void delet (String[] fnames) { … // Delete all the named files … public void exec (String fname, String[] args) { … //Run the executable program contained in the … //named files, with the given arguments
Mini-Shell Interpreter Public void interpret () { //Initialize status = RUNNING; do { //Fetch and analyse the next instruction MiniShellCommand com = readAnalyze(); // Execute this instruction if (“create”)) create(com.args[0]); else if (“delete”)) delete(com.args) else if … else if (“quit”)) status = HALTED; else status = FAILED; } while (status == RUNNING); }
Recursive interpretation Two phased strategy Fetch and analyze program Recursively analyzing the phrase structure of source Generating AST Performing semantic analysis Recursively via visitor Execute program Recursively by walking the decorated AST
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle Representing MiniTriangle values in Java: public abstract class Value { } public class IntValue extends Value { public short I; } public class BoolValue extends Value { public boolean b; public class UndefinedValue extends Value { }
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle A Java class to represent the state of the interpreter: public class MiniTriangleState { public static final short DATASIZE = …; //Code Store Program program; //decorated AST //Data store Value[] data = new Value[DATASIZE]; //Register … byte status; public static final byte //status value RUNNING = 0, HALTED = 1, FAILED = 2; }
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle public class MiniTriangleProcesser extends MiniTriangleState implements Visitor { public void fetchAnalyze () { //load the program into the code store after //performing syntactic and contextual analysis } public void run () { … // run the program public Object visit…Command (…Command com, Object arg) { //execute com, returning null (ignoring arg) public Object visit…Expression (…Expression expr, Object arg) { //Evaluate expr, returning its result public Object visit…
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle public Object visitAssignCommand (AssignCommand com, Object arg) { Value val = (Value) com.E.visit(this, null); assign(com.V, val); return null; } public Objects visitCallCommand (CallCommand com, Object arg) { CallStandardProc(com.I, val); public Object visitSequentialCommand (SequentialCommand com, Object arg) { com.C1.visit(this, null); com.C2.visit(this, null);
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle public Object visitIfCommand (IfCommand com, Object arg) { BoolValue val = (BoolValue) com.E.visit(this, null); if (val.b) com.C1.visit(this, null); else com.C2.visit(this, null); return null; } public Object visitWhileCommand (WhileCommand com, Object arg) { for (;;) { BoolValue val = (BoolValue) com.E.visit(this, null) if (! Val.b) break; com.C.visit(this, null);
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle public Object visitIntegerExpression (IntegerExpression expr, Object arg){ return new IntValue(Valuation(expr.IL)); } public Object visitVnameExpression (VnameExpression expr, Object arg) { return fetch(expr.V); … public Object visitBinaryExpression (BinaryExpression expr, Object arg){ Value val1 = (Value) expr.E1.visit(this, null); Value val2 = (Value) expr.E2.visit(this, null); return applyBinary(expr.O, val1, val2);
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle public Object visitConstDeclaration (ConstDeclaration decl, Object arg){ KnownAddress entity = (KnownAddress) decl.entity; Value val = (Value) decl.E.visit(this, null); data[entity.address] = val; return null; } public Object visitVarDeclaration (VarDeclaration decl, Object arg){ data[entity.address] = new UndefinedValue(); public Object visitSequentialDeclaration (SequentialDeclaration decl, Object arg){ decl.D1.visit(this, null); decl.D2.visit(this, null);
Recursive Interpreter for MiniTriangle Public Value fetch (Vname vname) { KnownAddress entity = (KnownAddress) vname.visit(this, null); return data[entity.address]; } Public void assign (Vname vname, Value val) { data[entity.address] = val; Public void fetchAnalyze () { Parser parse = new Parse(…); Checker checker = new Checker(…); StorageAllocator allocator = new StorageAllocator(); program = parser.parse(); checker.check(program); allocator.allocateAddresses(program); Public void run () { program.C.visit(this, null);
Recursive Interpreter and Semantics Code for Recursive Interpreter is very close to a denotational semantics
Recursive interpreters Usage Quick implementation of high-level language LISP, SML, Prolog, … , all started out as interpreted languages Scripting languages If the language is more complex than a simple command structure we need to do all the front-end and static semantics work anyway. Web languages JavaScript, PhP, ASP where scripts are mixed with HTML or XML tags
Interpreters are everywhere on the web Web-Client Database Server Web-Server HTML-Form (+JavaScript) WWW Call PHP interpreter Submit Data DBMS LAN Web-Browser PHP Script SQL commands Response Response Database Output Reply