FEMAS Development - Progress FEMAS Development Team February 26, 2015
Working Plan Task Description Status Estimated Time 2D Cross. Sect. Analys. Testing Database for 2D cross. sectional analysis testing Done 06/12/2012 2D Cross. Sect. Analys. Testing Matrix Matrix description for 2D cross sectional tests Released New Version Released 0.5.142 Version of FEMAS 06/05/2012 Long-Term Plan Including known problems/features and input received during EMC consortium License file License file - not only in program file 05/28/2012 2D Cross Sect. Task In 2D cross sect. analysis will be added possibility to correct RLGC data because of “roughness effect” Export/Load Plot to/from File Will be added possibility to save/load plot data and settings into/from the file 2
Working Plan Task Description Status Estimated Time Delay Problem Implemented new algorithm, which makes impulse response “Physically causal” Done 05/21/2012 Circuits Circuit block in LPA 2D Cross. Sect – Task 2D cross sect. analysis was transformed from tool to task Pre-emphasis filter testing Will be compared matlab and FEMAS results 06/26/2012 Documentation Developers level: descript. of funct. Users level: Users manual 07/10/2012 Description of algorithms 07/24/2012 3
Working Plan Task Description Status Estimated Time S-parameters Analysis Technical specification - Updated Done 07/10/2012 LPA Testing Database for Link Path Analysis Testing Implement help system User’s manual will be converted in html format and added in FEMAS help Smoothing filter Change Wp and Ws parameters from rad/sample to frequency Hz Changes according to Matteo’s suggestions Default values, Pre-emphasis taps, Move blocks in schematic matrix, arrange names of channels alphabetically 4
Working Plan Task Description Status Estimated Time Change Linear Interpolation Method We need to interpolate magnitude and phase instead of real and imaginary parts Done 07/24/2012 Modify pre-emphasis filter Implement pre-emphasis filter with any number of pre and post taps Units Add units everywhere it is possible: Sources - VHigh, VLow, rise/fall time, bitrate, delay, also in eye diagram Student License Limited functionality for students Smoothing Filter Testing Test smoothing filter and created test report Update User’s Manual and Functionalities Users manual and functionalities where updated according changes made during this two week 5
Working Plan Task Description Status Time Student License Modified Custom geometry for 2D Cross Section Analysis is allowed – restriction is 3 traces Done 07/31/2012 Smoothing Filter Add option to choose smoothing method: Butterworth/Chebyshev Jitter Analysis for Input Signal Added: Random Jitter, Duty Cycle Distortion and Periodic Jitter to the Source Waveform Fixed bug in AC simulation New Release Will be created new 0.5.143 version 6
Working Plan Task Description Status Time Added Possibility to Calculate All Tasks in the Project Added button “Calculate All” in LPA projects Done 08/14/2012 Signal Analyzer Added new tool “Signal Analyzer” Improved LPA Performance Added possibility to begin or finish channel with 1 port s-parameters block Testing of jitter injection Tao has tasted jitter injection for input waveform Tested Conversion from Time to Frequency Domain Compared matlab fft FEMAS Conversion tool and Analytically calculated results for Gaussian, Step, … signals 08/21/2012 Added Validation Check in LPA Will be calculated recommended frequency range for s-parameters and checked if Added Filter: Inter-Symbol Interference (in GUI) 7
Working Plan Task Description Time Custom geometry It will be possible to create custom geometry from GUI Done 08/28/2012 T and P Network sequence In circuit models will be added possibility to define sequence of parallel and sequential T and P networks – Technical Specification Tx Equalization – De-emphasis Tx Equalization now consists Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis 8
Working Plan Task Description Time Custom geometry Added – Triangle, Trapezoid, Circle and Ellipse Done 09/04/2012 Prepared Environment for DLLs FIR Equalization Functionality for De-emphasis, Pre-emphasis and FFE equalization is done FFE Optimization Functionality for FFE optimization is done DFE Equalization Functionality for DFE equalization is done 9
Working Plan Task Description Time Parallel and series of circuit elements Add possibility to define Parallel and series of circuit element Done 09/11/2012 Mutual inductance Integrate possibility in FEMAS to use mutual inductance Improvement in custom geometry Added possibility to remove regions from custom geometry Custom geometry - Description images Added description images in GUI for custom geometry 09/18/2012 Tested different cases Change Student License Activation License issues will be updated according to new specification Description of functions in Equalization.dll Created documentation for Equalization: Description of functions and used algorithms (Only CTLE optimization left) 10
Working Plan Task Description Time FEMAS interface for equalization Prepare FEMAS interface for equalization Done 10/02/2012 Description of functions in Equalization.dll Added CTLE optimization 09/25/2012 Equalization.dll CTLE optimization was added Test Equalization Preliminary testing for all functionalities is done. Integrate Equalization Integrate equalization into FEMAS GUI 10/16/2012 11
Working Plan Task Description Time Tx equalization with gain Added calculation of tx equalization using gain Done 10/23/2012 Mathematical operations with equalized waveforms Added mathematical operations with equalized waveforms for terminations Post processing Rx equalization Added possibility to calculate best coefficients and equalize signal without channel calculation Frequency depended complex impedance Added frequency depended complex impedance for sources and terminations Updated documentation All documentation was updated Created New release 12
Working Plan Task Description Time Export Debye Model Corrected export debye model format 10/30/2012 Load training signal from source Added possibility to load training signal for ffe and dfe optimization from source Add CTLE block between s-p blocks CTLE block can be used everywhere in the channel De-embedding tools was added Separate tool for de-embedding of s-parameters was added, de-embedding from multiple s-parameters sequence was added and tested 12/11/2012 S-parameters.dll Was created S-parameters dll and implemented in GUI, we are working with causality function 13
Working Plan Task Description Time Odd and Even mode velocities and impedances Corrected formulas for odd and even mode velocities and impedances (differential case) 01/15/2012 MVTT MVTT as a separate tool added De-embedding Tool We make tool more intuitive and added graphical representation of the channel Causality Enforcement New mathematical solution was developed and implemented in Matlab, now we are implementing into FEMAS 01/22/2012 14
Working Plan Task Description Time odd and even mode velocities and impedances Tested odd and even mode velocities and impedances 01/22/2012 MVTT Tool Added possibility to load multiple input files and run them together Scripting Enabled scripting for MVTT New simulation type: De-embedding Added new type of simulation for more complicated de-embedding Causality Enforcement New algorithm for causality enforcement was implementing into FEMAS 15
Working Plan Task Description Time Generate Release for Separate FEMAS tools Structure of FEMAS was changed and now we can generate FEMAS release with separate tools 02/05/2012 De-embedding Some restrictions were removed and task became more complete Transfer function (S-pa5ameters) Extrapolation Mathematical algorithm for extrapolation was established MVTT Dazhao is working with MVTT problems In Progress 16
Working Plan Task Description Time Scripting Handled scripting functionality: All scripting functions now throw exceptions on errors, Added test files to all the script examples 02/26/2013 FEMAS help information in console Added output of some help information in console mode Material Fitting Added option which allows to fit material with Epsilon and Sigma infinity to be more than some value Network Parameters Tool Added new tool “Network parameters” – Now it is possible to convert Z-parameters to S-Parameters and vice versa 03/05/2013 Changed interface for material fitting options – added Debye model formula and parameters explanation 17
Working Plan Task Description Time Plot Multiple Probe Results Added possibility to plot multiple probe results in one probe 03/12/2013 Multi Region Conductors Begin implementation to model multi-part conductors in 2d cross sectional analysis tool In progress Transfer function (S-parameters) Extrapolation We are developing mathematical methods In Progress MVTT New function are implemented 18
Working Plan Task Description Time Symmetric geometry Now it is possible to calculate automatically several parameters to make geometry symmetric 03/19/2013 Pause in 2d cross sectional analysis Now It is possible to stop 2d cross sectional analysis calculation and then continue form the next frequency Multi Region Conductors We need to modify core as well – and we need Hanfeng’s help In progress Transfer function (S-parameters) Extrapolation New algorithm was implemented in matlab, now we need to implement it into FEMAS In Progress MVTT New function are implemented 19
Working Plan Task Description Time Drawing Tool New features where added in drawing tool 03/26/2013 PDN Noise Tool New tool (GUI part) is added and corresponding algorithm was developed in Matlab Transfer function (S-parameters) Extrapolation The algorithm was implemented in FEMAS MVTT New functions where added In Progress 20
Working Plan Task Description Time Changed Debye parameters export format 04/23/2013 Changes was made in Cavity Tool interface Added separate units for dimensions, changed captions DC extrapolation Some tests was done for DC extrapolation and algorithm was improved MVTT Testing Testing In Progress Network parameters single-ended to differential conversion tool 21
Working Plan Task Description Time Cavity Tool Testing Testing 06/24/2013 MVTT Testing Network parameters single-ended to differential conversion tool – GUI part is added Improved cascading and de-embedding interface Improved port definition interface for cascaded block 22
Working Plan Task Description Time MVTT Add diff port Adding diff port support for MVTT In Progress Equalization – DFE problem investigation Problem was solved 07/02/2013 Improved Plot Tool Description of all function will be included in code and documentation will be generated automatically Documentation We are documenting function inside the code and creating documentation automatically using Doxygen 23
Working Plan Task Description Time TDR/TDT Tool AFR Finished AFR Calibration algorithm for symmetric structure In progress Signal analyzer Add differential signal PDN Tool User Manual 24
Working Plan Task Description Time AMI source models Create DLLs for all FEMAS functionalities Drawing tool for 2D cross sect analysis Differential Sources and probes Conductor plating Finish at surfaces 25
Working Plan Task Description Assigned Time MVT GUI - Add port definition for output matrix Done Nana 03/18/2014 MVT GUI - Add section for adding multiple Vias 03/21/2014 MVT Engine – Trace port conversion In Progress Dazhao 03/25/2014 MVT GUI – Feedback picture concept Me, Ketan Some bugs fixing Misha Improved scripting part, added interpolation in cascading function AlexS MVT Testing We will begin MVT testing from this week Dazhao, Me 26
Working Plan Task Description Assigned Time Smith Chart Corrected Smith Chart calculation Mikheil 04/29/2014 MVT GUI – Feedback picture implementation Added: Components Left: Total geometry Nana MVT GUI Geometry Check Added geometry checking functionality Mikheil, Nana MVT Engine Error related with components s-parameters cascading (In progress) Ketan, Misha TDR/TDT Tool Added differential and common mode impedances Mikheil, Misha Create Release with MVT GUI 27
Working Plan Task Description Status Time Surface finish Add additional layer on the top of microstrip Done Student License Implemented restrictions for student license New license generator with GUI Made the following changes: a) License type can be modified by user b) Hardware independent license can be created only for student type Jitter Injection QA checking group found that jitter injection functionality was not working. We have fixed this issue 28
FEMAS Tasks Task Description Time Export S-Parameters from swept RLGC Added functionality for creating S-Parameters from swept RLGC data Done Trace spacing swept parameter Added trace spacing swept parameter for microstrip and stripline Filter swept geometries Remove invalid geometries from swept cases, Add output messages to inform which geometries can not be calculated Visualize results for swept geometries Fields and RLGC parameters are fixed and plotted for each swept geometry Export S-Parameters, W-Element S-Parameters and W-Element can be fixed for each swept geometry and exported into touchstone file Export impedance matrices Export impedance matrices for all swept geometries into csv file Optimization in 2DCSA Find the geometry which will corresponds to a chosen impedance value In Progress PAM4 in FEMAS Channel analysis for PAM4 signals will be implemented Update User’s manual 29
Sweeping parameters Cable Microstrip Stripline Inner Conductor Radius Insulator Thickness Trace width Trace spacing Dielectric height Core height Cable Microstrip Stripline
Checking geometry: Microstrip/Stripline For microstrip and streepline sweeping parameters are: Trace width (w) Distance between traces (s) Dielectric thickness (h) a) If the geometry was correct, then after sweeping h we still obtain correct geometry b) The following conditions should satisfy w and s: s>w + 2* t*tan(teta - PI/2) d>w/2 + t*tan(teta - PI/2) Incorrect values of sweeping parameters will be detected before calculation and will be removed and corresponding message will appear: 50 mil distance between traces, 70mil trace width and 40 mil dielectric thickness corresponds to incorrect geometry 50 mil distance between traces, 80mil trace width and 40 mil dielectric thickness corresponds to incorrect geometry 60 mil distance between traces, 80mil trace width and 40 mil dielectric thickness corresponds to incorrect geometry 70 mil distance between traces, 80mil trace width and 40 mil dielectric thickness corresponds to incorrect geometry …
Results: RLGC User can select geometry and see RLGC values
Results: RLGC User can select geometry and plot RLGC values
Checking geometry: Microstrip/Stripline Sweep Parameters for microstrip: 80mil 90mil
Checking geometry: Microstrip/Stripline For microstrip we have three swept parameters: Conductor size; Dielectric thickness; Trace spacing After selecting swept parameters, S-Parameters / W-Element for corresponding geometry will be created and exported into touchstone file
Results: Microstrip S-Parameters 80 mil 90 mil
Results: Characteristic Impedance Export Characteristic Impedance
Results: Export Characteristic Impedance Frequency Conductor size Dielectrics thickness Trace spacing Impedance 1 Impedance 2
Result: Plot Characteristic Impedance Export Characteristic Impedance
Impedance Optimization: Microstrip Step1. User will choose sweeping parameters for optimization Step3. All possible geometries, corresponded to sweeping parameters will be calculated; optimal “Trace width”, “Trace spacing” and “Dielectric height” will be written Step2. User will check “Optimize Impedance” section and will choose optimal value for impedance and corresponding frequency value and click “Apply” Step4. User can proceed, choose other parameters on the next tabs and calculate geometry with optimal impedance value
Optimize Impedance: Cable Similarly optimization can be done with cable and stripline
FEMAS tasks Group 1: Transient eye Steps remark 1 Adding options for PAM4 and make necessary structural changes This should be done in signal generation and any function related to response calculation Started Add QPRBSN generation 2 Add different PRBSN generation (Now only for prbs9, prbs15) This part is for NRZ, but we need it for comparing PAM4 and NRZ for the same signals 3 Threshold generation for PAM4 Generation of slicers and use the slicers in some calculation functions 4 Changes in eye plot generation 5 Changes in transient eye parameters calculations 6 Add pdf, cdf, contours and bathtubes to transient eye using binheight and other option 7 Add calculation of image eyes (ps, mV, %) 8 Add receiver jitter Create a form for different type noises 9 Modify transmitter jitter for PAM4 10 Changes in the existing equalizations for PAM4 Most changes are necessary in DFE
FEMAS Group 2: StatEye and Short Bit Sequence Steps (Only for PAM4) remarks 1. Add options in the response calculation form for StatEye Changes in GUI and some structures 2. Add Functions for StatEye 3. Add Image plots for Stateye (pdf, contours, bathtubes) 4. Add options in the response calculation form for Short Bit sequence 5. Add Functions for Short Bit Sequence 6. Add Image plots for Short bit sequence 7. Add receiver jitter to Stateye 8. Add receiver jitter to Short bit sequence 9. Add transmitter jitter to Short bit sequence To compare PAM4 and NRZ, we need to implement the same methods (StatEye and Short Bit Sequence) for NRZ. It will take approximately half of the time of PAM4, as the main GUI and structures will be already created for PAM4.
FEMAS task - Signal generation in C++ QPRBS signal generation in C++ Example: 10Gbps, rise/fall time = 40ps, QPRBS7 Figure is now generated only as test in QT, no supporting interface yet in FEMAS.
FEMAS task – Transient Eye Calculation of slicers; Equalizations – FFE, CTLE, DFE; PAM4 Bit-by-bit Eye generation; Calculation of PDF, CDF, Contours, Bathtubes;
FEMAS task – StatEye Equalizations – FFE, CTLE, DFE; Calculation of PDF, CDF, Contours, Bathtubes;
FEMAS task – Short Bit Sequence Equalizations – FFE, CTLE, DFE; Calculation of PDF, CDF, Contours, Bathtubes;
FEMAS Tasks Task Description Time Drawing tool for 2D cross sect analysis Differential Sources and probes Conductor plating Jitter decomposition 48