Member State replies to EU questionnaire on WFD measures SSG on WFD and Agriculture 30 April 2008, Brussels
Questions sent to Member States 1. From 2009/2010 what amount of rural development funds would be needed at national level and on a yearly basis to efficiently address WFD issues? 2. What is the current range of compulsory agricultural measures planned to be part of one, several or all RBMP?
Questions sent to Member States 3. Which ones do you consider as possible future cross-compliance standards? Have you already set up standards related to water abstraction controls (part of WFD basic measures)? 4. For each of these specific measures, what system of control do you intend to put in place?
Who replied to the questionnaire? 13 Member States AU, BE(Fl), CY, DE, ES, ET, FI, FR, HU, NL, PL, SW, UK
From 2009/2010 what amount of rural development funds would be needed at national level and on a yearly basis to efficiently address WFD issues? Most MS assessments still in progress Some MS have launched studies in order to compare different scenarios (FIN). Some MS provided initial estimation of RDR needs for WFD issues related to agriculture (DE, FR, UK). In some MS, estimations already show that existing funds can not cover all WFD issues (FIN, FR)
2. What is the current range of compulsory agricultural measures planned to be part of one, several or all RBMP? Large reference to cross-compliance and implementation of the Nitrate Directive (with in some cases tightening up of action plans – AU, FR, HU) Work still ongoing to identify possible additional supplementary measures In some cases, two-step approach foreseen (AU, DE, FR, HU)
3. Which ones do you consider as possible future cross-compliance standards? Have you already set up standards related to water abstraction controls (part of WFD basic measures)? - Control of water abstraction often identified as possible future relevant standard – already part of cross-compliance in some Member States (ES, FR) Reference to WFD and GWD
4. For each of these specific measures, what system of control do you intend to put in place? Reference to public authorities in charge of water policy at national, regional or local level Cross checking also in place (link between water policy controls and cross-compliance controls)