Unit I: Introduction How Culture Changes CYurky World History 10 Homer-Center How Culture Changes
Bell Ringer List 5 elements of culture and give an example as it applies to our American society Sapience HR
Standards 7.3.12.A Analyze the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: (Population, Culture, Settlement, Economic activities, Political activities) 7.4.12.A Analyze the global effects of changes in the physical systems. 8.1.12.A Evaluate patterns of continuity and rates of change over time, applying context of events.
Objectives TSWBAT: explain factors that cause cultures to change TSWBAT: describe different patterns of diffusion HuffPost
Culture All people, no matter how primitive, have a culture
Culture Folk Culture Popular Culture practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation tradition stays with group of people found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares habits despite different personal characteristics changes spreads between groups of people
Causes of Cultural Change
Environment Culture is greatly affected by environment The three parts of environment that affect culture are topography, climate, and raw materials (natural resources) One component may tend to influence culture in one direction of development, another in another This means that each of these components of environment changes culture in it's own way (Rolland B. Dixon The Building of Cultures )
Environment Humans will respond to changes in their environment https://www.emaze.com
Environment - topography Mississippi River course over time Before settlements, people moved when the floods came After cities were built, people changed how they responded to stay https://cdn.theatlantic.com
Environment – climate Some believe that the Maya had exhausted the environment around them to the point that it could no longer sustain a very large population. Or some catastrophic environmental change–like an extremely long, intense drought–may have wiped out the Maya
Environment – natural resources Native Americans depended on the buffalo When Europeans came, they reduced the buffalo herds Native Americans had to adjust, or die
Technology Humans will respond to innovations and inventions
Technology Agricultural Revolution Wikipedia
Technology Invention of the lightbulb
Types of Diffusion Expansion Relocation Idea moves People move
Cultural diffusion - Expansion Expansion – innovation remains strong while spreading outward IDEA MOVES
Cultural diffusion - Expansion Contagious - almost everyone is affected Fads Silly bandz Fidget spinners
Cultural diffusion - Expansion Hierarchical – large/prominent to small/less prominent areas or groups or urban to urban, skipping rural areas at first Epidemics Fashion “Style” architecture or furniture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj8mHwvFxMc
Cultural Diffusion - Expansion Stimulus diffusion Something is not readily adopted by a receiving population but is adopted later on as the result of some sort of stimulus the basic idea stimulates imitative ideas (copy cats) or is accepted by the receiving population with a different use
Cultural Diffusion - Expansion Stimulus diffusion Cows are sacred in India and often roam freely in the streets In order to be successful, McDonald’s had to change the menu
Cultural Diffusion – Expansion Stimulus diffusion Chinese porcelain was highly desired but too expensive European artisans copied the style making it affordable
Cultural diffusion – Expansion Stimulus diffusion Spaghetti not readily accepted in midwest – then adapted
Cultural Diffusion - Relocation Relocation – people carry ideas to new areas Italians showed the Irish how to make pizza when they come to New York toninospizzaandpasta.com
Technology Technology has rapidly increased the rate at which diffusion occurs
Technology and diffusion Time it took to reach a market audience of 50 million: Radio 38 years
Technology and diffusion Time it took to reach a market audience of 50 million: Television 13 years
Technology and diffusion Time it took to reach a market audience of 50 million: Internet 4 years
Technology and diffusion Time it took to reach a market audience of 50 million: iPhone 3 years
Technology and diffusion Time it took to reach a market audience of 50 million: Instagram 2 years
Technology and diffusion Time it took to reach a market audience of 50 million: Angry Bird Space 35 days
Cultural change
Important terms Assimilation – less dominant culture is completely absorbed into dominant one (sometimes generations)
Important terms Acculturation – less dominant culture adopts traits of more dominant culture but dominant culture changes as well
Important terms Transculturation – two way flow, both cultures co-exist eventually merging into something new
Subculture – a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture Activly
Important terms Stereotype – a widely held but oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.