Juliet heismylife Capulet I love him with my life facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Juliet heismylife Capulet Logout Juliet heismylife Capulet I love him with my life Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Juliet heismylife Capulet (5) Juliet heismylife Capulet I love him with my life January 12, 1913 Send Juliet heismylife Capulet a message Poke message Romeo iloveher Montague to Juliet heismylife Capulet Have you talk ta you people March 4, 1913 Information Networks: Spain Birthday: March 31, 1898 Political: Democrat Religion: Christian Hometown: Juliet heismylife Capulet loving him is not easy but, we go around the obstacles we face!!!!!!!! May 21, 1913 Juliet heismylife Capulet is with my baby,, I love him ta death July 18, 1913 Friends Juliet heismylife Capulet I don’t think yalll know just how much I love my baby October 9, 1913 Romeo King m. Ms.m Juliet heismylife Capulet wishes me and my honey culd be togeher without any problem,, I love hym son much…. December 17, 1913 Mecutio Friar Lady C
Juliet heismylife Capulet I love him with my life facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Juliet heismylife Capulet Logout Juliet heismylife Capulet I love him with my life Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Spain Sex: Female Birthday: March 31, 1898 Hometown: Spain Relationship Status: Married to Romeo iloveher Montague Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Christian View photos of Juliet heismylife Capulet (5) Send Juliet heismylife Capulet a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: love Interests: poetry Favorite Music: William shaskes sphere Favorite Movies: Romeo and Juliet Favorite TV Shows: ed edd and eddy Favorite Books: mocking bird Information Networks: Spain Birthday: March 31, 1898 Political: Democrat Religion: Christian Hometown: Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 Phone Number: (202) 456-1111 The Family Updated last Tuesday Me and my baby Updated two months ago
Juliet heismylife Capulet facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Juliet heismylife Capulet Logout Juliet heismylife Capulet I love him with my life Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Juliet heismylife Capulet 7 Photos Juliet heismylife Capulet’s Albums 2 Photo Alums 5 photos The Family 5 photos Me and my bae 1 photo Profile Pictures