Who gains control of China and why? Chinese Civil War Who gains control of China and why? VS
vs. Chinese Civil War (1945-1949) Mao Zedong (CCP) Chiang Kai-shek (KMT) Communists Common Name Nationalists Northern China Area controlled Southern China Soviet Union Foreign Support United States Communism Economic Policy Capitalism Strong support from peasants Public Support Support from wealthy landowners Experienced, motivate, guerilla warfare Military Organization Ineffective, corrupt, poor morale
Truce During WW II During WWII US gave $1.5 billion to Nationalists to fight Japan, most of this money is wasted or “stolen” as Mao’s forces did most fighting Mao’s People’s Army vs. Chiang’s Nationalist Army US gives additional $2 billion to help Nationalists beat Communists Nationalists winning at first but China’s economy worsens, Chinese people upset w/ Nationalists Nationalists troops begin defecting to People’s Liberation Army (PLA) By 1949, Mao controls most of China Chiang & what is left of his army flee to Taiwan
People’s Republic of China vs. Republic of China US upset over loss of China, helps Chiang set up a govt on Taiwan Chiang & US say legit gov of China is on Taiwan “Republic of China” Mao signs a friendship treaty with Soviet Union and say legit govt of China is “People’s Republic of China” US vetoes UN seat changing to PRC Mao Expands China 1950: Mao promises self rule for Tibet but forces Tibet into communism. When Tibetans protest, Mao’s invades and the PLA crushes protest, forcing the Dalai Lama to flee 1950: China invades Inner Mongolia and annexes it
Mao divides private land amongst peasants Life in Mao’s China Mandate from Heaven (1950) Mao divides private land amongst peasants One million landowners killed who resist Mao nationalizes all businesses & launches first 5 year plan (rapid industrialization) Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) Mao wants to modernize economy Large collective farms are formed Poor planning results in a famine that kills 20 million people Let 1000 flowers bloom Cultural Revolution (1966-1968) Many citizens upset with Mao, he also splits with Soviet Union over nukes Mao reduces his role in govt, allows reforms Mao feels reforms have created inequality, recruits HS & College students for Red Guards Red Guards promote the peasant, terrorize & re-educate those with an advantage
Voice From the Past: The Red Guards, China’s Teenage Police Force How did many adults react to Mao after the Great Leap Forward? Mao began to recruit who and what did they want to eliminate? What was Mao’s “bible” called? Who do the Red Guards go after and what were some of their reasons? When did Mao finally turn against the Red Guards and how did it affect China?
Identify people, words & objects. Identify symbols, what do they represent? What is cartoonist saying about Mao’s programs?
Identify people, words & objects. Identify symbols, what do they represent? What is cartoonist saying about Mao’s cultural revolution?