Draft implementing act on Monthly Unemployment Rate (MUR) Item 3


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Presentation transcript:

Draft implementing act on Monthly Unemployment Rate (MUR) Item 3 Draft implementing act on Monthly Unemployment Rate (MUR) Item 3.5 of the draft agenda DSS Meeting 23 and 24 May 2019

Background Agreed by LAMAS Monthly unemployment statistics Option 1: monthly unemployment figures Option 2: monthly unemployment inputs Option 3: monthly unemployment estimates

Exchange of views forms: overview Articles Agreement Article 1 (subject matter) 29/29 Article 2 (definitions) 27/29 Article 3 (data requirements) Article 4 (transmission deadlines) 25/29 Article 5 (back series) Article 6 (sources and methods) Article 7 (transmission standards) Article 8 (quality monitoring) 28/29 Article 9 (entry into force) 2//29

Exchange of views forms: general comments Decision on option not taken on option Derogation request: to be managed in June Incorrect legal bases in the act Need of a coordinated approach between Eurostat and Member states on the dissemination of the first data and the communication to the users CH: No change in the IA (to be seen if we grant them a derogation) PL: No change. I could not find any wrong reference in the draft. I will check with Hanna. IT: OK. No change NO: OK. Amend the annex and specify that the quality monitoring concerns SA data only.

Article 2 (definitions) Metadata to be provided even when administrative data are sent to Eurostat as input to monthly unemployment Metadata for ADMIN are mentioned in Art. 6.1 Quality monitoring concerns the final indicator only (not ADMIN inputs) Requirement for reference month too strict for countries using option 1 (pure LFS information) Amend the text to relax the requirements for the LFS reference month HU: No change. Metadata for ADMIN are mentioned in Art. 6.1. As regards quality monitoring, it should concern the final indicator only (not ADMIN inputs). SE: OK. Amend the text to relax the requirements for the LFS reference month. The only constraints should be (1) to cover all full weeks of a calendar month and (2) to be consistent with LFS quarters.

Article 3: data requirements Countries using 3MMAs Forecast the last month (problematic) Move to other method Derogations to be asked to adapt to the new IA HU: No change. See article 2 NO: No change. Countries using 3 MMAs should change method unless they forecast the last month (as PT) which is not recommended either (ref. quarter instead of ref. month) => Derogations to be asked by 3 MMA countries to adapt to the new IA.

Article 4: transmission deadlines Doubts about being able to keep the deadlines: derogations to be asked if needed Art. 4 to be deleted (Transmission deadlines) as already defined in Annex V of the IESS Regulation FR-IESS is too vague (ref. / calendar month) Need to specify deadline depending on option The reference month November to be sent latter (Eurostat publication at the end of the first week of January Text to be amended Very slight (1 day) and rare (1 / 60 months) deviation To be dealt with a derogation HU, NO: No change. Derogations to be asked SI: No change. It is needed to specify the transmission deadline in the IA. FR-IESS is too vague (ref. / calendar month) PT: OK. Amend the text (=> 31 DEC)

Article 5 (back series) Data availability for break free time series?: needed for high policy requests. Length of back series is imposed by MIP Compulsory transmission from reference month of May 2021 (together with data of January to April 2021) In between, transmission on optional basis – Eurostat currently reflecting on dissemination strategy (interrupt/light NR) CZ: No change. The length of back series is imposed by MIP. CZ should ask a derogation.

Article 6: sources and methods Decision not yet taken on which method will be used for the calculation of monthly unemployment figures Need for data with trend estimation AND data with seasonal adjustment ? For comparability and quality monitoring, Eurostat must collect SA and trend separately. The one to be published as headline indicator is to be decided with the country concerned HU: No change DE: No change. For comparability and quality monitoring purposes, Eurostat must collect SA and trend separately. The one to be published as headline indicator is to be decided with the country concerned.

Article 8 (quality monitoring) Quality of overall monthly unemployment rate according to the ILO concept to be monitored continuously, not only every three years: no, too much overlap with a monthly quality monitoring. Annex IV or/and article 8: monitoring indicators based on seasonally adjusted data(SA), not-SA data or trend data? Annex to be amended to specify that the quality monitoring concerns SA data only HU: No change. There would be too much overlap with a monthly quality monitoring.

Article 9 (entry into force) Very short time before the entry into force of the regulation HU: No change. Derogation to be asked.