BONUS IDEAS (¡Upload en el sitio de clase!) 0-10 pts. Canciónes, arte, videos, poemas, PPT/Prezi, etc. Partes del cuerpo…?
Bonus - Scenario Cards Practice your speaking by recording yourself talking about one or all of the following scenarios (A, B, C, D). Upload on website if possible.
Escenario A (5 pts.) You’re traveling in México and you’re not feeling well. Go see a doctor and tell him/her what’s wrong.
Escenario B (5 pts.) While visiting Cancún, you feel a cold coming on. Go to the pharmacy and tell the pharmacist your symptoms. Find out if he or she has any medication for a cold.
Escenario C (5 pts.) In a café in Buenos Aires, Argentina, you meet a student about your own age who strikes up a conversation with you. Tell him or her what kind of mood you’re in and why.
Escenario D (5 pts.) Diana Suárez, the Spanish exchange student, has told you how in Spain you can often get medication at a pharmacy without a prescription. She wants to know if the same is true in the U.S. Tell her.
Create a book with “Enfermedades” (Illnesses) (Up to 10 pts.) Incluye: Name of Illness/Diseases, Symptoms, etc. Example below. (1 pt. each – up to 10 pts.)