Inflammatory causes of perilabyrinthine fistula.


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Presentation transcript:

Inflammatory causes of perilabyrinthine fistula. Inflammatory causes of perilabyrinthine fistula. A, Cholesteatoma. Axial CT shows an expansile, widely destructive soft-tissue mass centered in the middle ear with erosion into the cochlea, vestibule, and posterior semicircular canal (arrows). B, Recurrent otitis media. Axial CT identifies residual soft-tissue opacity in the middle ear, with a fistula (arrow) extending through the otic capsule into the lateral semicircular canal. C, Invasive fungal infection. Axial CT illustrates heterogeneous soft tissue centered in the middle ear, with invasion through the otic capsule into the lateral semicircular canal (arrow). M.-L. Ho et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2017;38:2-9 ©2017 by American Society of Neuroradiology