FR #6: The Reign of Terror! What is virtue? Define it and/or give an example. M, 11/13 T, 11/14 W, 11/15 Th, 11/16 FR Project DUE / TRIAL F, 11/17 11/27 Finish FR 11/28 FR Quiz 11/29 11/30 12/1 12/4 12/5 12/6 12/7 12/8 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/15
Maximilien Robespierre French are increasingly divided, Robespierre, a Jacobin (extreme radical) takes power Wanted to establish a “republic of virtue” ending any traces of aristocracy & the Church Cards no longer had Kings & Queens No more Sundays! Closed all the churches
Terror! 1793-1794 In order to have a virtuous state, people must be scared into acting properly Does this compute? Committee of Public Safety: looked for “enemies of the Revolution” & they would face the guillotine What is an enemy of the Revolution?
Marie Antoinette is executed along w/thousands of others Around 40,000 ppl will die!
End of Terror National Convention members knew that they would soon be killed if they did not act So, they arrested Robespierre & had him guillotined in July 1794 Another new govt will be formed… Down with the tyrant!
The Directory (1795) New gov: Not great, but works Legislative Directory: 5 Co-leaders Not great, but works
FR Project DUE Friday, 11/17 By the end of today’s period: Timeline: List of first 8 events (#8 must be Reign of Terror). Pictures and descriptions for the first 4 events done. Newspaper: Check with me on your article topics. Finishing article by end of period. Trial: Have 3 arguments checked by me. Begin writing opening statement. Divide up writing so everyone gets a portion to do. Have a HOOK!