Chae-Sub, LEE TTA Consideration about Architecture related NGN Standards Chae-Sub, LEE TTA
Table of Contents Confusion and Problems Proposal Architectural Study Pieces Confusion and Problems Proposal
Architectural Study Pieces NGN Sub-Systems Architecture Overview Network & Service Control Transport
Architectural Study Pieces NGN Control Architecture for session based Service Control Network Control Transport
Architectural Study Pieces IMS Architecture Network & Service Control Access Transport
Architectural Study Pieces Example of NGN realization Network & Service Control Transport
Architectural Study Pieces Metro Ethernet 3G RAN ISC OSA SSF Presence PTT Mail Voice SMS MMS Streaming Converged Services and Platforms MRFC I-CSCF Legacy GMSC Converged Services IMS MGCF Converged Service Interfaces SGW PSTN PLMN MRFP S-CSCF P-CSCF PDF PS Backbone Network RNC SGSN Service Provider Data Network HA Broadcast Access Network DVB / ISDB-T RAN MSC/VLR PDG/ WAG BSC 2G RAN HSS AAA Network DBs Databases GGSN MGW WiFi Hotspot DNS DHCP IN Parlay SIP-AS WiMax RAN Transport Access HLR CS Backbone BGCF Public Internet (CDMA systems are similar to GPRS and UMTS systems shown) BMSC Core Transport (?) Service Control Wireless Access Transport
Confusion and Problems Position of IMS : only for service control or more : IMS = Network Control + Service Control (?) Relationship IMS with underline Transport Capabilities : IMS only with xDSL, what else with Optic infrastructure Clarify Functional Entities among different Sub-Systems FRM would cover ‘Functional Entities’ for all suggested Sub-Systems, if not, what is total NGN Functional Architecture and how will develop NGN standard will include Transport aspects collaboration with SG 15 and other related SDOs such as xDSL Forum?
Proposal No more use of acronym ‘IMS’ to avoid any confusion Change term IMS as IP_MS (‘IP Multimedia Sub-system’ need clarification of the meaning on ‘sub-system’) So NGN would have following Sub-systems : - IP_MS - NA_S (Network Attachment Sub-system) - RAC_S (Resource Admission Control Sub-system) - SCT_ES (Switched Circuit Technology Emulation Sub-system) - SS_S (Streaming Services Sub-system) Further clarification on positioning of above Sub-systems into Architecture Model : in Session control or call control or transport adaptation or transport