Open Internet browser. Go to and sign in with Organization ID us00106, User ID (Your Moody Employee ID#), and your password. See Moody Credit Card website for more help.
3. Go to the Transactions Tab and click on QUERY.
4. On Advanced Query page enter criteria 4. On Advanced Query page enter criteria. Below is date range between April 1st and June 4th for all transactions waiting to be approved, with Reviewed Status. This will show all transactions for all cardholders waiting to be approved for that date range. Cardholder use Approval Status of New to see all transactions waiting to be reviewed for the date range. Click Process button to see transactions.
5. All transactions for all cardholders waiting to be approved appear on the transaction list for the date range selected.
6. This query can be saved for future use and also for your default screen view. To save the query click Save query Button and give the query a name. Click the Save button when ready.
7. You can change your default screen view of transactions by clicking on the arrow to show the list, which now includes the query you just saved and then click the Set As Default Query button. NOTE: In the future you will have to change the end date of the query to include transactions added since the last end date used. Click on Advanced Query button to change end date.
8. Your saved query should populate the Query box, if not click on drop down arrow and choose it, change the end date to today’s date, then click Process button to bring up list of all current transactions meeting the criteria.
9. List of transactions will appear 9. List of transactions will appear. Click Save Query if you want to save the new end date. To sort click arrow column header you wish to sort by whether date, Cardholder name, Merchant, etc.
For more information answering questions about your credit card, policies, procedures, and many more resources click on one of the following links: Moody Credit Card Web Site Credit Card FAQ’s Credit Card Forms & Policies Chase PaymentNet Website Tax Exemption Documents Procurement Services Web Site If you don’t find what you’re looking for on the website, contact Procurement Services.