PowerPoint Slides for Revision The following two slides give you the chance to edit and revise to create a more professional presentation. What changes need to be made in the presentation layout? the graphics? slide animation? content? style and parallelism?
How to make a Great presentation!!! Here are some great tips for helping you with giving a speech. When you get up to give a speech remember that You should do your very best to relax. Try not to think about the number of people there and try not to make any mistakes.
Look at the audience so that you can see how they are reacting to your presentation. That way, you can adjust your presentation as you go along. Projecting your voice is another good tip so that it fills the room. If people can’t year you, they will not be attentive to what you say and your ideas will be lost. Be sure that you use gestures that are strong and meaningful. Distracting behaviors are also something to avoid because they can be very distracting to your audience. You should , for example, not twirl your hair or rub your hands together a lot.