Rotational Clinical Fellow Project at Salford Royal Progress update / my idea / how my thinking has changed: Implement a Rotational clinical Fellow Program at Salford Royal to reduce the use of Locum Agency doctors and improve safety by Training The Vincent framework, system leadership ( eg frequent personal contact) Comparing Datix reports, SI, SIARC and exception reporting Launch of Rotational Clinical Fellow Posts Salford Royal has recently launched the Rotational Clinical Fellow (RCF) Project; this is to help fill gaps in medical rotas across all specialties, improve working lives of Junior Doctor’s across the Trust and to improve Clinical Fellow’s experience at Salford Royal. So far the project has been a huge success and to date we have successfully appointed 21 candidates to the scheme. We are hoping that this will not only reduce locum spend but it will also improve the level of care to the patients. Contact if you'd like to know more. How is this going? Project plan in place and agreed by Workforce directors, business plan in the making and due to be presented to workforce group and financed committee Experienced CDs in the Trust, HR, PGMCE at SRFT, Manging director and Director of Operations, senior business managers and QI team with in BCLC Persistency needed if you have a vision keep pitching it and involve stake holders at an early stage. Have clear objectives My challenge: Assure that the posts we have offered are available and when – need a digital solution as a live tracking tool Be clear in your Jobplans what you can and cant do.