Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian Style Christopher C. Brown
How are Turabian and Chicago Styles Related? Source citations in the Turabian manual come in two varieties: (1) notes and bibliography (or simply notes) and (2) author- date. These two systems are also sometimes referred to as Chicago-style citations, because they are the same as the ones presented in The Chicago Manual of Style.
Why Cite? (Or to use CMS terminology, Why Document?) Ethical considerations – giving credit to intellectual dependency Legal considerations – copyright laws Scholarship considerations – showing where you went tells us something about your level of scholarship Findability considerations – providing sufficient information for a trained librarian to track things down is crucial
Basic Principles of Citation Be Informative - Cite bibliographic elements like author (personal or corporate), title, source title, date of publication, volume and issue (for serials), report number; anything that is informative, distinguishing, and helpful. Be Helpful - Cite enough information so that other scholars and librarians can find what you found. Be Consistent - If you decide to use a particular citation variation, use that same variation throughout all your citations. Be Compliant - Follow citation style preferred by journal of professor. Be Creative - Deviate from the style as necessary.
3 Ways to Create Proper Citations Citation by Rule – Read the manual Citation by Example – Examples found in manual and guide sites Citation by Automation – Use citation software such as RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley.
Citation by Rule The Turabian Manual is not officially online, but UCOL students are required to purchase print edition. The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is online, and the Library subscribes to it (see Library database list). Turabian is similar to CMOS: It has two citation styles – Notes-Bibliography AND Author-Date It has some slight differences “to better suit the requirements of academic papers as opposed to published works.”
Turabian Rule of Thumb “If you cannot find an example in this chapter, consult chapter 15 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017). You may also create your own style, adapted from the principles and examples given here. Most instructors, departments, and universities accept such adaptations as long as you use them consistently.” (Turabian 2018, 238).
A Great Deal of Latitude Both Chicago and Turabian styles offer a great deal of latitude when dealing with difficult citations. Err on the side of including helpful information rather than excluding it. Work with a librarian to determine which bibliographic elements are necessary and helpful.
Chicago Manual of Style is online through the Library Databases
Two systems of documentation
Two systems of documentation Notes (footnotes/endnotes) + Bibliography (Documentation I) Parenthetical (Author date) + Reference List (Documentation II)
Documentation I Note: 1. David Shields, The Thing about Life is That One Day You’ll Be Dead (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008). Bibliography: Shields, David. The Thing about Life is That One Day You’ll Be Dead. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.
Documentation II Text Citation: (Shields 2008). Reference List: Shields, David. 2008. The Thing about Life is That One Day You’ll Be Dead. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Citations were simple until……the Web 1993 World Wide Web born Online databases quickly followed Online journal content Style manuals still do not totally “get” the Web
Online – it’s just a format Print Microform Online
Need to cite online resources when item resides on the volatile Web, not when it is from a journal database. Cite Web sites. They are not libraries, and they have no implied promise of permanence. When you cite a library database, URLs are often non-durable (not permanent). In these cases simply cite the name of the database and optionally the path to get to the result. URLs to library licensed content are often not helpful. Permanence issues Proxy issues Elegance issues
Citing Free database Content These sometimes have extremely long URLs. I will show you some solutions.
Legal Citations: Option to Use the Bluebook The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation Since the Bluebook is so often used for legal and public documents, Chicago suggests using it as an option (CMS 14.269-92). Harvard Law Review Association. 2015. The bluebook: a uniform system of citation. 120h ed. Cambridge, Mass: Published and distributed by the Harvard Law Review Association.
Example 1 – An Online Journal Article
Example 2 – A Public Law
Example 3 – An ERIC Document Dunkle, Margaret C. Who Controls Major Federal Programs for Children & Families: Rube Goldberg Revisited. Special Report #3. [s.l.]: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse, 1995. ERIC Document ED386316.
3 Ways to Create Proper Citations Citation by Rule – Read the manual Citation by Example – Examples found in manual and guide sites Citation by Automation – Use RefWorks or other citation software
Citation by Example
Official Turabian “Citation by Example” Guide
Citing Government Documents by Example Indiana University Libraries Guide: us-government-publications
Purdue Owl
Citation by Automation
Citation Generators Citation Machine (Chegg) – BibMe (Chegg) – eTurabian (Eksendia) – These are free, but have restrictions on them.
Common Automated Solutions Examples include EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero, and Mendeley. The Library “officially” supports all four of these. EndNote is client-based software (you pay for the software for your personal computer); RefWorks is cloud-based and is paid for by the Library. RefWorks and EndNote will perform three functions: automatically importing citations (when possible); storing article PDFs (mostly just for journal articles, not e-books); outputting properly formatted citations (like those for Turabian, 9th edition, author-date style). RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, and Mendeley all have add-ins that work with Microsoft Word.