Kingdom Animalia
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Characteristics of organisms in Kingdom Animalia multicellular eukaryotic (nucleus and organelles) heterotrophic exo or endoskeleton (support system) sexual reproduction (some asexual)
Factors Used To Classify Animals level of organization Body symmetry cephalization body cavity formation mode of reproduction energy source motility
Level of Organization
Types of body symmetry
Bilateral Radial Symmetry Pro's & Con's Bilateral Asymmetrical no plane around body for repetition very poor movers usually sessile sponges Bilateral mirrored down central line of body good movers sense organs at one end anterior, posterior, dorsal, ventral, lateral Radial body parts repeated around central disk no real head slow movers, usually sessile sand dollars, anenomes Bilateral Asymmetrical Radial
Body Cavity Formation
Mode of Reproduction
Energy Source
Phylum Porifera no true tissues (just specialized cells working independently) holdfast - attach to rocks asymmetrical spongocoel - inner cavity choanocytes - cell with flagellum that generate current of water porocyte - allows water to enter
Phylum Porifera no real endo or exoskeleton has silica spicules to form some structure and shape filter feeder rely on the water to bring in oxygen and remove CO2
Phylum Porifera reproduce by budding (asexual) or external fertilization millions of sperm released into current (June-ish) this triggers eggs to be released (attached to mucous strings) - hermaphrodite fertilization takes place and larvae settles on substrate and starts to grow into new sponge
Phylum Cnidaria anemones, jellies, corals, box jellies, ctenophores radial symmetry or asymmetrical (some corals) tissues (cells working together) have exoderm, endoderm, and mesoglia (jelly filled middle) start of digestive system (no anus)
Phylum Cnidaria Polyp Medusa
Do you notice anything about these two forms of cnidaria?
basic nervous system (nerves in body to respond when they sense food) Phylum Cnidaria basic nervous system (nerves in body to respond when they sense food) sea anemones will battle for territory
box jelly sting
Coral Reef asymmetrical soft coral (sea fans) and hard coral (exoskeleton of calcium)