Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Montgomery College Fall 2010 Orientation
Outcomes for today’s Session At the end of today’s session, participants will be able to Explain what outcomes assessment is and why we do it Identify the requirements and expectations for the MC OA process Inform disciplines about student learning outcomes assessment at MC Identify the steps and contents of an OA plan Involve disciplines in the development of an OA plan
OA- Overview and Background What is outcomes assessment? Why do we do it? What do we assess? What do we do with the assessment information?
What is Outcomes Assessment? Outcomes Assessment is an ongoing, systematic process of identifying student learning outcomes, assessing student achievement of those outcomes, and using the results to improve student learning.
What do we assess? We assess student performance of the most important, core sets of knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes. We assess Gen Ed competencies. We assess collegewide, common, core course outcomes.
What do we do with the assessment information? We use the information to improve student learning. We use the information to celebrate the success of our courses and programs. We use the information to demonstrate accountability for student learning.
What don’t we do with the assessment information? We don’t use information obtained through this process to evaluate faculty performance. Outcomes assessment is about evaluating the effectiveness of programs, not individuals.
OA at MC- Process and Expectations
3-year Time Frame Semester 1- Planning Semester 2- Pilot and Feedback Semester 3- Full Implementation Semester 4 –Observations and Action Plans
What is MC’s OA process? College-wide Course embedded Common task All instructors use the same discipline developed assessment instrument and scoring tools. Faculty driven
OA Responsibilities
Workgroup Responsibilities Develop and implement an OA plan for the course. OA Plan consists of: SLO Courses Form, Supporting Student Activities Worksheet Assessment Instrument Scoring Tool College-wide, common, core course outcomes list Facilitate discipline discussion about OA Plan and incorporate discipline feedback Coordinate the implementation of the OA plan in the discipline
Discipline Faculty Responsibilities Participate in the development of the OA Plan Communicate collegewide, common, core, course outcomes to students Communicate assessment expectations (detailed instructions, scoring rubrics, etc.) to students Participate in the assessment
College-wide Outcomes Assessment Team Responsibilities Supporting the development of the OA Plan Giving feedback on the plan Facilitating the collection of data Analyzing & interpreting data Reporting results Providing training and leadership about OA
How do the Gen Ed Competencies fit in? General Education How do the Gen Ed Competencies fit in?
How do you apply the Gen Ed competency to a course? Review your collegewide, common, core course outcomes list. Look for outcomes where the competency is already reflected When you assess that outcome use an instrument that includes the competency.
Workgroup Time
Workgroup Outcomes For Today Confirm Workgroup membership and identify workgroup point of contact Plan for sharing OA expectations and plans with discipline Begin discussion of which collegewide, common, core outcomes to assess Identify how Gen Ed competencies are reflected in the course Set up future meeting dates