Agenda TRID General Loan Estimate Closing Disclosure 2018 Changes Frequently Asked Questions
Scope Closed-end Consumer Real Estate
NoT Exempt Temporary Loans Loans over 25 acres Lot loans Construction loans Bridge Loans
Loan Estimate: Timing
Timing: The Closing Disclosure 3 Business Days Receipt Mailbox rule Business days Consummation
Timing Friday, June 5: Closing Disclosure is mailed Tuesday, June 9: Consumer Receives Closing Disclosure Friday, June 12: Consummation
Timing Mon: 6/1 Application submitted Tues: 6/2 Loan Estimate Mailed Fri: 6/5 Loan Estimate received and consumer gives intent to proceed Wed: 6/10 Consumer locks rate Mon: 6/15 Revised Loan Estimate mailed to consumer 6/18 Revised Loan Estimate received by consumer
Timing Tues: 6/16 Because of a COC, title insurance increases, but only 6% over amount disclosed – no LE required Fri: 6/19 Pest inspection shows termite damage requiring an additional inspection bringing totaling 5% of originally disclosed Mon: 6/22 Revised Loan estimate mailed because combined change is now over 10%
Sat: 6/27 COC increase title fees once again Timing Friday: 6/26 Closing Disclosure hand delivered to consumer – earliest closing date is 6/29 Sat: 6/27 COC increase title fees once again Tues: 6/30 Closing Disclosure showing updated fees hand delivered, closing can still happen today
Timing? June 4: Change of Circumstance June 5: CD Scheduled to be Mailed June 9: Consumer Receives CD June, 12: Scheduled Closing Date
Revised Loan Estimates Change in Circumstance Fee exceeds tolerance 3 business days Before closing disclosure
Changed Circumstances Extraordinary Event Inaccurate Information New information specific
Revised Closing Disclosures Any change Post-Closing Non-numerical clerical error Tolerance Cure
Revised Disclosure: Waiting Period APR out of tolerance product changes Add a prepayment penalty
Tolerance Items 0% 10% Unlimited Originator Charges Choose off the list or wasn’t on the list Items the borrower can shop for and choose someone not on the list Cannot Shop For Recording Fees Items that aren’t required by the creditor – not a tolerance item at all Transfer Taxes Section B – did not shop + Section E Escrow payments, Insurance premiums, etc., - not tolerance items at all Sections A, B and E Bucket Section C and H Line x Line Items compared as a whole group – 10% items in Section B + Section E
Record Retention 2 years 5 years
Loan Estimate
Loan Estimate: Page 1
Purpose Purchase Refinance Construction Home Equity
Loan Terms
Projected Payments
Payment Calculation
Payment Calculation: Adjustable Rate Interest Only Example
Projected Payments: Balloon Loan
Estimated Taxes, Insurance & Assessments
Costs at Closing
Optional Table for Transactions Without a Seller
Loan Costs: Origination Charges
Loan Costs: Services You Cannot Shop For
Loan Costs: Services You Can Shop For
Other Costs .
Cash to Close else = $0
Adjustable Payment (AP) Table
Adjustable Interest Rate (AIR) Table
Additional Information
Comparisons Must calculate total payments and principal paid off in the first five years First time we see APR Truncate to at most 3 decimals If APR is a whole number, stop at decimal If less than 3 decimals, truncate extra “0s,” for example, an APR of 5.250% should be listed as 5.25% TIP = Total scheduled interest of term of loan divided by loan amount – Includes prepaid interest the consumer will pay.
Other Considerations For disclosures of permanent loans issued before construction, include the statement: “You may receive a revised Loan Estimate at any time prior to 60 days before consummation”
Confirmation Receipt
Closing Disclosure
Closing Disclosure
Projected Payments & Closing Costs
Loan Costs
Other Costs
Total Closing Costs
Calculating Cash to Close
Example of Tolerance Cure
Borrower’s Transaction
on Behalf of Borrower
Seller at Closing
Due from Seller at Closing
Additional Information About This Loan
Escrow Details
No-Escrow Details
Loan Calculations
Additional Disclosures
Contact Information
Confirmation Receipt
Revisions, Revisions, Revisions October 3, 2015 October 1, 2018 June 1, 2018
Changes Overview Compliance Dates Coverage Total of Payment Tolerances Revised Disclosures and Good Faith Partial Payment Disclosures Escrow Closing Notice Construction Loans Simultaneous Seconds Rounding Calculating Cash to Close Loan Estimate Disclosures Closing Disclosure Disclosures
TRID FAQS 1-18 Pgs 31-36