Why Obey The Law? Survival Surveillance
Why Obey The Law? Slow Down at Yellow
Why Obey The Law? Slow Down at Yellow Stop at Red
Why Obey The Law? Slow Down at Yellow Stop at Red Go at Green
How Do We Love and Obey God? LOVE the Lord with all your HEART
Love God with all your Heart Recognize your affections determine your devotion Understand your affections follow what we treasure Aim to make Jesus your greatest treasure Spend time with the lord and let his light shine in your heart
How Do We Love and Obey God? LOVE the Lord with all your HEART LOVE the Lord with all your SOUL
How Do I Love God With… all that I am? what defines my identity? all that I desire or will? all that He created me to be?
How Do We Love and Obey God? LOVE the Lord with all your HEART LOVE the Lord with all your SOUL LOVE the Lord with all your MIND
How Do We Love and Obey God? LOVE the Lord with all your HEART LOVE the Lord with all your SOUL LOVE the Lord with all your MIND LOVE the Lord with all your STRENGTH
To Love God With All Your Might Love Him with what your hands are doing Love Him with your eyes and what they see Love Him with your ears and what they hear Love Him with your mouth to speak