Cryogenic upgrade of B165 CRG Status Meeting 16th may 2019
Status of Mechanical Work Cryogenic Distribution System (CDS): Installation and connection of main components complete; Final delivery this Friday (SV’s, Flexible lines and N2 phase separator) Remaining mechanical work: Connection of LN2 line to Cryolab (During N2 Shutdown, 22nd May); Installation of connections to B165-CB and B165-FS (20th May); TL1 supports (ongoing, no impact on process).
Status of Mechanical Work 20,000 l Dewar: Repair and testing completed by 1st May; Transport and re-installation behind B165 took place last week; Dewar Adaptor: Installation took place last week; Final warm connections underway.
Status of Mechanical Work GMP CDS: Installed. GMP GHe Buffers: GMP Compressor (GMP-CP): Installation on Friday. GMP Purge: Modifications requested by ML outstanding, planned for next week. GMP Cold box: Installation of B165-FS return line and 3 way valve finished this week; Modifications to purge collector postponed. Warm Piping: (planned completion next week) Connection of GMP-CP and GMP Purge; GHe lines to LHe Dewar and trailer; Finalization of warm piping to B165-CB.
LN2 System - Next steps LN2 Level valve and phase separator Shut down planned for Wednesday and Thursday next week (TBC by ML). Effect on client: Cryolab will be affected for two days, during construction of the TL connection and the pressure test; Other clients will be affected for Half a day, during connection of the LN2 Dewar. Valve commissioning will be undertaken before pressure test; Pressure test will be undertaken on Wednesday evening (TBC with HSE); Operation from Thursday evening; Level valve and phase separator: Installation after operation of LN2 system is underway. Before the commissioning of LHe system. LHe Dewar LN2 Dewar B159 B243 To Trailer Dewar CDS LN2 CDS LHe CryoLab
LHe System - Next steps CDS: Final warm connections completed by Wednesday next week; Flexible lines to B165-CB and B165-FS will be tested for fit next Monday. They will be installed after the pressure test. LHe Dewar To B159 To LN2 Dewar Cold Box Filling Station To Trailer Dewar CDS LN2 B165 To B163 CDS LHe To B243
LHe System - Next steps GMP Compressor: Final warm connections completed on Wednesday next week; GMP Purge: Final warm connections to the LHe system will be completed by Wednesday next week; Some piping additions may be required after the pressure test, however this shall not affect commissioning. GMP Cold Box: Installation of the new CV and 3 way valve from the B165-FS will be completed before Wednesday next week. Pressure Test: Given the status of the mechanical works we aim to undertake a pressure test of the LHe system on Thursday or Friday next week. Re-connection to Gazometer: After the pressure test, the LHe system can be re connected to the gasometer. This will effect B163 and B243 for half a day and is planned for 27th May.
B165: Project Status - Planning = Electrical connection required To meet SD planning commissioning must be achieved in 2 weeks Operation to advise: 1/ Do they need to use the LHe atmospheric heater? 2/ Do they need to retain a connection to the compressor LP? Potential delay of 4 days (1 week), supply with 10,000l transfer Original Shut Down period