Welcome! Ms. Campbell T6 = Trailer 6 Language Arts Team Pegasus
Start of Class Procedure When you enter this classroom every day, please walk directly to your seat quietly and respectfully. Take out your language arts notebook and a sharpened pencil. I will give you a minute to be seated and quiet before I start reading.
Crash Be attentive! Be respectful! Be listening! Yes – you will be tested on this book
Parent/Guardian Letter Please follow along as I read Note: late work and test correction policies, grade distribution, blackboard, supplies Make sure this note is read by someone at home!
About Ms. Campbell Third year teaching at WFMS Grew up in Chicago, Illinois Been married one year Today is my birthday! LOVE chocolate
Classroom Rules + How To Be prepared for class. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to stand. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before you speak. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Raising Hand Policy If you need… My help 1 To get up during class 2 To leave the room 3 To speak in class just raise your hand!
Consequences If you choose not to follow the rules: Name said or on board = warning Seat change & fill out clipboard Silent lunch D-Hall If you choose to follow the rules: Positive performers Homework pass Class tally/party/free time
Tallies & Team Days 10 tallies = FREE TIME Earn tallies as a class for free/fun time
Tardy Policy If you enter the room late please sign in on the Tardy Clipboard by the door Then, put your pass/agenda on my desk and go to your seat respectfully Tardy 3 times per semester = D-Hall
Late, Absent, No Name Work Please make sure you write the current date and late or absent on any late or absent work you turn in Location for: extra copies, absent work to be turned in, no name work, and late work to be turned in
Missing Work Policy Write a pass to my room for before school or TCB to complete work – mandatory If not done, silent lunch and finish Still problems – academic D-Hall If you need help or are struggling with anything please ask!!!!!
Progress Reports & Grades You and your parents are able to check your grades online Progress Reports go out in the middle of each quarter for a parent signature If you are earning a D or F you will receive a progress report every 2 weeks (it will say whether you need it signed) If you don’t know what you are missing – ASK!!
Blackboard/ Website Everything you will ever need for this class will be on the class website! LUCKY you!! http://wfms7la.weebly.com/ http://bb9.wcpss.net/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_4326_1%26url%3D
End of Class (3 min.) Questions? Final thoughts? Put away all of your belongings Check your area Is the top of your desk clean? Is the inside of your desk empty? Is under your desk clean? Is your desk straight? Great!! When I dismiss your group, you may leave the room
Get to Know You Cross out Mrs. Kline and write in Mrs. Matheney. Your task is to find people in this room who identify with up to two of the items – you will write their name. Go quickly! The first one finished wins! Remember, no more than two items per person.
Get to Know You As I read out loud, stand up with each item you identify with Look at everyone you have something in common with and learn about your classmates
End of Class (3 min.) Questions? Final thoughts? Put away all of your belongings Check your area Is the top of your desk clean? Is the inside of your desk empty? Is under your desk clean? Is your desk straight? Great!! When I dismiss your group, you may leave the room
Pegasus Team! TCB! Welcome Procedures in TCB: Be silent and stay in your seat Do homework or read You may go to another teacher if you have a pass
Language Arts http://prezi.com/virlfykdsngf/the-sun-goes-down-on-summer/