Microdeletions within the azoospermia factor subregions of the Y chromosome in patients with idiopathic azoospermia Soo Woong Kim, M.D., Ki Dong Kim, Ph.D., Jae-Seung Paick, M.D. Fertility and Sterility Volume 72, Issue 2, Pages 349-353 (August 1999) DOI: 10.1016/S0015-0282(99)00255-1
FIGURE 1 Sequence-tagged sites (STSs) are polymerase chain reaction (PCR) data of the eight Yq microdeletions detected in our patients with idiopathic azoospermia. The deletion intervals and Y-chromosomal STSs used are listed in the left two columns. Solid and empty bars indicate the presence and absence of the STS in the PCR experiment, respectively. Fertil Steril ©1999 Fertility and Sterility 1999 72, 349-353DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(99)00255-1)