> Introduction to Nelson Rios, Tulane University Biodiversity Informatics Training Workshop Boulder, CO
What is R Open source interpreted programming language and development environment Initially release in 1993 Influenced by the S programming language Focus on statistics, data analysis & graphics Extensible via user contributed packages
Getting R www.r-project.org Available for Windows, Macintosh, Linux & as Source Code Current release (30 Mar 2012): R 2.15.0
Working directory Default location used to save and retrieve files. Use getwd() to determine current working directory Use setwd(new_path) to change current working directory
Objects Used to store values Case sensitive Named with alphanumeric characters Cannot start with a number Persistent until reassigned or removed from objects list. User rm(obj_name) to remove. Values can be assigned to variables via <- or = Use objects() or ls() to view list of objects in the current environment.
Logical Operators == Equal to > Greater than < Less than <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to <> or != Not equal to
Example Code
Getting Help ?fxn or help(fxn) > ?round
Matrices > (m*n)[2,4] > (m*n)[8] or
Conditional Execution: if Statements Syntax: if (expr1) expr2 else expr3 Use logical operators in if statements: ==, >, <, <=, >=, <>
for Loops Syntax: for (name in expr1) expr2
Breaking out of Loops next can be used to discontinue the rest of a particular cycle and skip to the next iteration in the loop
while Loops Syntax: while (condition) expr
Expression is repeated until break is called repeat Loops Syntax: repeat expr Expression is repeated until break is called
Getting Data from a File
Selecting Columns
Data source can also be on web
Extending R Via user-created packages available from repositories CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) Bioconductor
Installing and using Packages Use GUI to select mirror, select package and install package Package: maps Draw lines and polygons as specified by a map database. Package: mapproj Converts latitude and longitude into projected coordinates. Required by maps package, if we want to use projections other than default (rectangular). Package: maptools Set of tools for manipulating and reading geographic data, in particular ESRI shapefiles. Also installs package sp. Package: sp A package providing classes and methods for spatial data: points, lines, polygons and grids After installing use library() or GUI to load packages prior to use. Use search() to view active packages.
Using Packages Rectangular projection Bonne equal-area projection
U.S. Census State Boundaries Results from Georeferencing
Filtering Data Use logical operators in filter expression: ==, >, <, <=, >=, <> StateProvince==“Missouri”
Editing records in your data frame
More Information http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.pdf