Writing CVs
Today’s Meeting Objective To help you develop a CV that gets attention by focussing on what you have achieved .
What we will be covering The purpose and objective of a c.v. Getting started Which format ? Out of work periods Covering letters
What is its purpose ? = Why is it being done
Purpose TO SELL / PROMOTE YOURSELF 1 – market knowledge 2 - product knowledge 3 - competitive edge
CV objectives To get a meeting , not a job - to get you to talk to someone you can benefit and who can benefit you. To get you through first cut selection
So , it has to be - An advertisement about yourself that - meets a need - conveys the benefits of employing you AND is a competitive statement - why you ?
1 Your Market Market is recruiter - They are looking to solve a problem - so sell your benefits Your CV is all that they know of you - make it relevant to the job Problem solver (product )is YOU - What does it do ? - Why buy?
2. Product(you) - Getting started ... Write down your KEY achievements - NOT just what you did but what you achieved - with measurable results Write down the skills required Write down your profile - Who / What you are THIS IS THE CORE OF YOUR CV To Tailor - Relate Skills and Achievements to actual job - Change emphasis / add detail
A CV FORMAT 1 Heading - Name and contact details 2 Personal Profile - 5/6 high impact statements that describe you in 50/60 words . 3 Key Skills - Your 4-6 key skills – NOT everything you can do
PROFILE First 30/40 words make a powerful impact No clichés – Team Worker/ motivated You look like everyone else
PROFILE – EXAMPLE A professionally qualified engineer and Prince2 qualified Project Manager particularly skilled in the implementation of Lean /World Class Manufacturing techniques that deliver business results . He has done so in a wide range of complex manufacturing environments .
Skill Example Compare “ good communicator “ to “Ability to persuade others through assembling information and presenting it convincingly and insightfully”
A CV FORMAT 4 Key Achievements (4/5) - Refer to outcomes supported by figures - Do not “ hide “ with too many words - They are the evidence of why you should be employed - They must be relevant to the job you are seeking
Achievement Example Responsibility - Purchasing new factory equipment Achievement - Researched and purchased new equipment , leading to a 30% increase in throughput .
A CV FORMAT Career History Tight, compact, summary of your career to date Name, location ,dates , job title Reporting line Purpose of job Key responsibilities Achievements
A CV FORMAT 6 Education and Qualifications ? List relevant qualifications and training Detail only highest educational achievements 7 Interests ? Your (relevant) interests Any voluntary work undertaken Any published articles
Dealing with out of work periods . Rule No 1 – believe that you haven’t lost your skills Rule No 2 – comment on voluntary work or courses undertaken during unemployment Rule No 3 – show that you have committed yourself to getting back to employment – retraining / re-evaluation Rule No 4 – be bold about what you have learned from negative events and adversity Rule No 5 – show that you understand the business reasons for redundancy – not personal
Covering Letters - Purpose To explain the reasons for your interest in this organisation and this particular job and to identify your most relevant skills and achievements . Shows WHY you want THIS job WHY you should get it
Covering Letters- Objectives Attract the reader to read CV “ summary of a summary “ Get you noticed
Covering Letters - Phrases Letters are conversational . “ Would relish the opportunity to –” “I find the opportunity stimulating “ “ I have deployed these skills to achieve --- “ “ I have the ability to exceed the expectations of the role “
Covering Letters – Guidelines Research the organisation and their market place Relate key achievements / skills to their business No more than 2/3 paragraphs - 120/140 words / 3 key skills / 3 outcomes Make it conversational , imagine talking directly
Covering letters - Speculative Obtain the name and position of a senior person involved in staffing and / or senior functional manager Write it with a targeted job in mind
Use of key words Identified by words in “ essential “ section of job or advert Use a key word generator such as wordle – www.wordle.net/ Change CV by using language /key words applicable to job If not job specific – use template of an actual job
Overall Guidelines Know your skills and capabilities – don’t be vague Relate to the job spec. Rewrite for every post you apply for. Results NOT activities / Benefits NOT Features Use key words. No superfluous wording .
SUMMARY It is a sales document with you as the product - what are the benefits, what do you bring - show proof 2 You are solving a problem - Relate to recruiter’s circumstances 3 Go through it again and again making it more readable more relevant - NEVER WITTINGLY UNDERSELL YOURSELF - BE GENEROUS TO YOURSELF