Schematic drawing of the SONIC detachable tip


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Presentation transcript:

Schematic drawing of the SONIC detachable tip Schematic drawing of the SONIC detachable tip. 1, Detachable distal part of the microcatheter. 2, Soluble DMSO glue (noncompatible) in the distal part of the connecting zone. 3, Compatible DMSO glue in the proximal part of the connecting zone. 4, Proximal p... Schematic drawing of the SONIC detachable tip. 1, Detachable distal part of the microcatheter. 2, Soluble DMSO glue (noncompatible) in the distal part of the connecting zone. 3, Compatible DMSO glue in the proximal part of the connecting zone. 4, Proximal part of the microcatheter. 5, The black line is the second (middle) marker at the detachment point. Reprinted with permission from B.H. S. Maimon et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2010;31:947-954 ©2010 by American Society of Neuroradiology