What are Volcanoes? A volcano is a vent at the Earth's surface through which magma (molten rock) and gases erupt, and also it is the cone built by eruptions. Volcanoes result from movement of magma inside or above the earth's surface. A volcano is any point where lava, dust, ash and rock particles around a vent.
Shield Volcano Volcanoes with broad, gentle slopes and built by the eruption of fluid basalt lava are called shield volcanoes. The largest volcanoes on Earth are shield volcanoes. View of Mauna Loa Volcano from the Kiluea Volcano, Hawai`i Volcanos National Park Hawai`i; both are shield volcanoes.
Composite Volcano Volcanic cone made up of alternating layers of lava and rock particles.
Cinder Cone A cinder cone is a volcano made up of rock particles, dust, and ash
The End Stromboli Volcano on the Island of Stromboli in the Mediterranean. Photograph by B. Chouet in December 1969 Shield Volcano; Mauna Loa Kilauea, Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park Photographed by R. Sanders July 2001 Composite Volcano; Mount Mageik Volcano , Katmai National Park and Preserve, Photograph by R. McGimsey July 1990 Cinder cone; Pu`u ka Pele was erupted low on the southeast flank of Mauna Kea Photographed by R. Sanders July 2001 Ms. Sanders with classmates on Kilauea Volcano