African countries in which ZIKV circulation has been reported up to January 2016. African countries in which ZIKV circulation has been reported up to January 2016. Abbreviations: MR, Morocco; CV, Cape Verde; SE, Senegal; GB, Gabon; SL, Sierra Leone; L, Liberia; IC, Ivory Coast; BF, Burkina Faso; ML, Mali; N, Nigeria; NG, Niger; TO, Togo; B, Benin; C, Cameroon; CAR, Central African Republic; G, Gabon; A, Angola; Z, Zaire; MZ, Mozambique; T, Tanzania; U, Uganda; K, Kenya; SO, Somalia; ET, Ethiopia; EG, Egypt. Didier Musso, and Duane J. Gubler Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2016; doi:10.1128/CMR.00072-15