Member Training School Site Council Roles and Responsibilities Provide members with the SSC Member Roles & Responsibilities Training Notes Present this training at the first meeting. Do not break it down over several meetings as members should know their role by the end of the first meeting. Remember to refer to the notes to explain each slide. State & Federal Programs Office Fall 2018
SSC Roles & Responsibilities Slideshow Training Objectives Understand the purpose of School Site Council (SSC) by reviewing: Council Role Member Responsibilities Council Organization Meetings This training is an overview of the role of School Site Council, description of each members’ responsibilities, information how the council is organized and members are elected, and description how to conduct meetings. The information covered in this presentation mirrors content of the SSC Bylaws. SSC Roles & Responsibilities Slideshow 2
Role of the School Site Council [Bylaws Article II and EC § 64001] Analyze/evaluate academic achievement Develop/approve the school plan Provide on-going monitoring of implementing the plan Evaluate the plan’s effectiveness annually Participate in school program reviews At the first meeting of each year, approve an expenditure limit. If no limit, than SSC must approve all expenditures regardless of amount. The expenditure limit is set at $500 or lower. By approving a limit, SSC is authorizing the site to make a purchase up to the approved limit without SSC’s approval of the expenditure. The most important role of SSC is to oversee the development, implementation and evaluation of the school plan for student achievement Bullets explain the council’s role: Analyze/evaluate academic achievement. - Usually done in the fall and part of a comprehensive needs assessment to determine how to best support needs of Title I and unduplicated students. Develop/approve the school plan - Which includes all related supplemental funds’ budgets with proposed expenditures. Services must adhere to all state and federal regulations. Provide on-going monitoring of the plan’s implementation -SSC should review common formative assessments periodically given to students throughout the year and discuss if students are making progress. Conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the school’s progress towards meeting school goals -This annual evaluation is the backbone of the comprehensive needs assessment required by Title I and provides quantitative evidence that guides the site’s decisions on what Title I and LCAP low income/English learner services to offer Participate in local, state and federal reviews of the school’s program for compliance and quality -Example: Federal Program Monitoring occurs every two years. Federal Title programs are reviewed by CDE. Also note that each expenditure must be accounted for in the school plan. -Categorical Timeline -Monthly Agenda Topics Summary -SSC Yearly Plan 3
Responsibilities of Members [Bylaws Article II, III and EC § 64001] Attend all meetings Develop and approve the SPSA Participate in on-going monitoring of the plan Evaluate and review the SPSA annually Make modifications to reflect changing needs and priorities On-going monitoring and the annual evaluation/review of the SPSA are huge responsibilities of SSC members. This is an area of focus that should not be ignored and must be documented in SSC minutes. Remember that SSC minutes are evidence that members are involved in school plan development process. This is especially crucial for Title I schools. When requesting approval of program expenditures for Title I, LCFF-LI and LCFF-EL: Refer to the school plan and intent of the funding to develop the justification for the expenditures. Title I SWP – Provide programs and services that address the needs of all children in the school, particularly the needs of those students at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards Title I TAS - SSC Meeting Schedule 4
Programs Included in School Plans Federally Funded Programs: Schools must qualify to participate. Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP) Title I Targeted Assistance School Program (TAS) State Funded Services: All schools provided services. Local Control Funding Formula, Low Income (LCFF-LI) Local Control Funding Formula, English Learners Services (LCFF-EL) Title I program participation depends on a school’s percentage of students designated as socio-economically disadvantaged (SES). All schools with an SES equal to or higher than the all district average must receive Title I funds. All schools start as a Targeted Assistance School. After participating in a comprehensive needs assessment and development of a Schoolwide school plan, the school board may approve the school to operate as a Title I school wide program. Justifications: When requesting approval of program expenditures, refer to the school plan and intent of the funding to develop the justification for the expenditures. Title I SWP – Provide programs and services that address the needs of all children in the school, particularly the needs of those students at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards -currently only 11 elementary sites participate Title I TAS – Provide services to students determined to be eligible for services based on established criteria. Services are to support students who are not meeting the challenging State academic standards. LCFF, Low Income – Provide improved or increased services to low income, foster youth and homeless students with intent of providing an equitable access to learning and improve academic achievement. LCFF, English Learners - – Provide improved or increased services to English learners with intent of providing an equitable access to learning and improve academic achievement. 5
Council Organization – Overall [Bylaws Article III and EC § 52852, 64001] All councils include: Principal Classroom Teachers Other School Personnel Parents/Community Members Only secondary councils include: Students All SSC consist of four groups: principal, classroom teachers, other school personnel and parents/community members/students. Principal – Responsibility may not be assigned to a vice principal or designee Classroom Teachers – Nominated and elected by classroom teachers. May not be any certificated staff not in the classroom. Other School Personnel – Nominated and elected by all certificated staff not assigned a classroom and classified staff at a school Parents/Community Members – Nominated and elected by parents/guardians of students at school (member may not be employed at the school) Students – Secondary only Elections for parents/community & students must happen in the fall so that current enrollment families/students elect peers. If your site holds elections during BTS night, ballots must still be sent home in some manner to all parents. Every parent does not attend BTS night. Student ballots should be distributed at one time to all classes during one period. SSC does not approve the members to serve at the first meeting. Since members are elected, SSC may not rubber stamp the election. If a principal cannot attend a meeting and the AP attends to provide the principal’s report, the AP is not a voting member and signs-in as a guest. The AP does not count towards quorum, as he/she is not a SSC member. APs or other site administrators may not be elected as the “other” staff member. Secondary students must be nominated and elected by other students. Serving on SSC may not be assigned as a duty to an ASB member. Parent members may not be employed by the school at which they are elected a parent member of SSC. SSC Election Process: -Nominations -Elections -Informing Candidates 6
Parent/Community membership is equal to school staff membership Secondary Council Organization [Bylaws Article III and EC § 52852, 64001] Twelve Member Council Parent/Community membership is equal to school staff membership Submit the SSC roster template to the State & Federal Programs Office by September 30 Parent/Community/Student membership is equal to total school staff membership Classroom teachers constitute the majority of the school staff membership Best practice is to request nominations then distribute ballots for each member category Include “write-in” candidate on all ballots Secondary SSC Roster 7
Elementary Council Organization [Bylaws Article III and EC § 52852, 64001] Ten Member Council Parent/Community membership is equal to school staff membership Submit the SSC roster template to the State & Federal Programs Office by September 30 Parent/Community/Student membership is equal to total school staff membership Classroom teachers constitute the majority of the school staff membership Best practice is to request nominations then distribute ballots for each member category Include “write-in” candidate on all ballots Elementary SSC Roster 8
Election Results Summary Review at the September meeting Include for each peer group: Names of people on ballot Voting tally by person Statement of who won election Sample summaries are posted to the p drive’s Categorical – State & Federal Programs folder The Summary of Elections is placed on the agenda the first meeting of the year. During FPM workshops, it was highly suggested that this level of transparency with SSC elections was documented in SSC minutes. Schools in the monitoring process are required to submit this document as evidence of how members are elected. Election summary must also note who filled open term A or term B slots (two year terms). Election Summary Sample 9
Review the following in the SSC Bylaws: Term of Office Council Organization – Key Points [Bylaws Article III, Section 2-6 and IV] Review the following in the SSC Bylaws: Term of Office Membership Termination Resignations Vacancies for one and two year terms Electing Officers Use the Bylaws to review the listed items. Site by-laws are posted to the p drive. Bylaws are not approved every year. Once approved, the initial date of approval is typed at the top of the first page of the Bylaws. This date never changes unless an amendment is made to the Bylaws. Amendments must have the approval of the SFP office. Review the following in the SSC Bylaws: Term of Office – one vs. two year terms All member categories must be on same term cycle. We advise everyone be on 1 year terms as must fill open slots according to defined term periods. For example, if someone vacates a position one year into the term, the appointed member may only fill the spot until that term is up. This appointment does not start a new two year term. In addition, if someone is appointed to fill the remainder of the first year of a two year term, the position is placed on the election ballot in the fall and be noted as an open slot to fill the second year of a two year term. Terminating Membership after missing three consecutive meetings No alternates or transferring of membership allowed Resignations Vacancies for one and two year terms. See above. Electing Officers SSC By-laws 10
Conducting Council Meetings Use the sign-in sheet Follow the agenda Include a public hearing session Conduct meeting using an agreed upon procedure Maintain descriptive meeting minutes Templates for the sign-in sheet, agenda and minutes are posted on the p drive in the Categorical Programs folder. It’s important that a member must state a motion before an action (a vote) is taken. This motion must word-for-word be stated in the minutes. Conduct the meeting using an agreed upon procedure – like parliamentary procedure (Roberts Rules of Order) Maintain descriptive meeting minutes that contain specific language of motions, results of actions, and documentation that SSC’s involvement in developing, monitoring, evaluating on actions with results -Monthly Agenda Templates -Minutes -Program/Services Expenditures Approvals -Sign In Sheet -Budget Summaries 11 12
Council Meetings – Quorum [Bylaws Article VI, Section 6] 51% of the total membership Elementary = 6 members minimum Secondary = 7 members minimum Last school year, there was some confusion how to determine if quorum was reached. This slide clearly states how many members constitute a quorum for every meeting. Quorum does not include members who are not physically present at the meeting site (no call-ins) Quorum is defined in the by-laws. Quorum includes vacant positions. In other words, unfilled positions may hurt a site in reaching quorum. Total membership is Elementary = 10 members & Secondary = 12 members Quorum minimum never changes! 13
Council Meetings – The Greene Act Education Code §35147 specifies: Open all meetings to the public Allow the public address SSC Post notice of meeting 72 hours before meeting Do not act on items not included on the posted agenda All councils must adhere to the education code. Exception - If an action is needed and was not known at posting time, by unanimous vote the council may add the item to the agenda If procedures are violated and any person demands, the council must reconsider the item at its next meeting after allowing for public comment Placing the agenda in a binder in the school office is not considered public posting. Agenda must include date/time/location of the meeting and all motions to be considered during the meeting. 14
School Site Council Reminder Archive the following records for five years: Meeting Packets Agenda Sign-in Sheet Minutes Handouts Election Documentation Nomination Forms Ballots Summary of Election Results For guidance on archiving, contact Lisa Palmer In addition, monthly SSC packets must be submitted to the State & Federal Programs Office. Please review the coversheet submitting packets (saved to the p drive). -SSC Meeting Packet Cover Sheet -Archive Evidence List 15
Resources State and Federal Programs Office | 951.509.6178 Angela Gallardo-Hopkins, Director II Lisa Palmer, Program Specialist Pauline Kawahara, Assistant to the Director P drive/Categorical – State & Federal Programs/School Site Council file Google Drive Folder – Contact SFP for access SFP staff are available to train your SSC or to assist during meetings as needed. 16