Passing Legislation Recap from Yesterday


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Presentation transcript:

Passing Legislation Recap from Yesterday How a bill becomes a Law – Federal Passing a Law in the US How a bill becomes a Law – Provincial Laws at the Municipal Level Developing Policy To do – review questions

Recap from Yesterday Try to answer the following questions without the use of your notes. What are the 3 branches of government and what role do each of them play? What are cabinet ministers? What is their role and how do they get their job? What is the role of the Governor General? Bonus Question – who is our current governor general? Name 3 different people in the House of Commons and describe their role in the House

How a Bill becomes a Law at the Federal Level First Reading Bill is read for the first time and printed Second Reading MPs debate the bill’s strengths and weaknesses Public debate begins examining values and politics of the bill Committee Group involving members from opposing parties study details of bill Public Hearings Bill is changed/improved

The Senate Royal Assent Third Reading MPs debate and vote on the bill Bill Changed Bill Passed The Senate Bill receives 3 readings Bill is changed/passed Senate cant stop a bill but they can slow it down Bill is Defeated Bill dies and does not become law Royal Assent Bill passed by both houses The Queen/GG signs the bill Bill becomes law

Creating a Law in the US Watch the following video clip: This explains how the process works in the US. While watching the video replace: Congressman with MP House of Representatives with House of Commons President with Queen/Governor General How does this process compare to the process in Canada? Explain the similarities and differences.

Passing a Bill at the Provincial Level Creating a Law at the provincial level is very similar to that at the Federal level The bill goes through the following steps: First Reading  Second Reading (or Standing Committee to review bill prior to sending for a second reading)  Standing Committee (or Whole House Committee)  Third Reading  Royal Assent Major change in process at the provincial level: the bill does not have to go to the Senate (the Senate doesn’t exist at the Provincial level!)

Policies and Laws at the Municipal Level Regardless of size, all municipalities are governed by a council elected by the citizens of the municipality. At the municipal level, laws are passed by a council through a simple majority vote. The role of Councillors: Representing their constituents at council, for example defending a neighbourhood decision to retain a park and not allow development Representing their municipality and their constituents at community events Developing and supporting policies that guide the services provided by the municipality Passing laws, known at the municipal level as by-laws, such as parking and noise by-laws, to regulate the actions of people and businesses in the municipality Sitting on council committees such as the waste management or the budget committee Deciding on what services and level of service the municipality should offer and how to pay for them, within the parameters of provincial legislation Working with other agencies involved in similar issues, for example housing, social services, environment and transportation.

Developing Policy A policy is a plan or statement that embraces identified goals and sets the course of action to achieve those goals. Developing an effective and comprehensive policy includes: Problem identification -- asking the policy question, "What do we want to achieve?" Priority setting – where the issue gets placed on the political agenda to be addressed among competing issues. Policy formulation and design – where policy goals are established. Passage of policy instruments – the stage where approval is received from staff and council for implementing the policy instruments. Implementation – this stage activates the policy by delivering the services, programs or funding identified

To do... In your own words, outline the steps a bill goes through to become a law at each of the following levels: Federal Provincial Municipal Identify the similarities and differences in the process of a bill becoming a law at all 3 levels Why do you think there are so many steps in the creation of a law? Explain your thinking. Do you think the process of moving a bill through so many steps is effective? Why or why not? Extra Work – finish any questions from yesterday that you didn’t get to