Ben Davis Matthew Golden Ronak Patel Trey Field “The Wooden Triangle” Ben Davis Matthew Golden Ronak Patel Trey Field
Introduction Our task was to design a contraption that lifts a 1 kg mass in as close to ten seconds as possible. We purchased the majority of our materials from Lowe’s, and the design is made mostly out of wood. Other pieces of our design included a large rat trap, string, and a counter-weight.
How It Works: To make the design work, the first step is to push a button. This button hits the rat trap, which then pulls the dowel holding the counter-weight in place out. This allows the swinging arm to fall down and releases the counter-weight. The weight falls down the slope and pulls the 1 kg mass up the pulley.
The Team The Project Design
Conclusion Overall, it took us around 5 hours to build and around an hour to shop for materials. Much more time was spent on designing and writing the reports. The hardest parts of making the design work were: Reducing the friction in various parts of the contraption Getting the weight to roll straight down the slope Making the rat trap pull the dowel out every time