Welcome back! Please make sure you check your grade after class to see if it has been updated (All grades will be updated by this afternoon) Please have a pen or pencil and paper for vocabulary notes. Last week to turn anything in before report cards.
Conquistadors Spanish soldiers who conquered people in other lands.
Circumnavigate To go completely around something, such as the world!
Allies Those who support each other for some common purpose.
Smallpox A disease that causes a high fever and eventually death.
Ambush A surprise attack
Hostage Someone held against his or her will in exchange for something else.
Plantations Large estates or farms that used enslaved people or hired workers to grow and harvest crops
Cash crops Crops grown in large amounts to be sold for profit
Mercantilism An economic theory that depends on a greater amount of exports (items going out) than imports (items coming in) in order to increase a country’s supply of gold and silver.
Commerce An exchange of goods; business
Entrepreneur One who organizes, pays for, and takes on the risks of owning their own business.
Cottage industry A system for making goods in workers’ homes
Helpful words to know for tic-tac-toe Similie= a comparison of one thing to another (as brave as a lion) Synonyms= words that the same or nearly the same meaning.
Review 1. What is a conquistador? 2. what is mercantilism? 3. What are cash crops? 4. What is smallpox?