Members of Toyama University


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Presentation transcript:

Members of Toyama University Faculty of science ***** Laser I/O system ***** Staff Fusakazu Matsushima Yoshiki Moriwaki Kaori Kobayashi Katsunari Enomoto Students Naoya Yoneyama Tatsuya Miyamoto Ryo Oishi Haruya Hagenoshita ***** Theory ***** Mitsuru Kakizaki Faculty of engineering ***** Signal analysis ***** Staff Shigeki Hirobayashi Student Masaya Nakano ***** Sapphire ***** Yukinori Ono Masahiro Hori Yosuke Hayakawa Information center ***** Information Technology ***** Staff Koji Okino New member

ABOUT MYSELF Name : Koji Okino (M ABOUT MYSELF Name : Koji Okino (M.Eng degree) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Information Technology Center, Univ of Toyama, Japan. My jobs: Operation and management of Network , Storage and Security.