Dual Enrollment Parent Night Woodville Tompkins Technical & Career High School Counseling Department
DE Requirements & Deadlines College GPA Required Deadlines Georgia Southern 3.0 Academic GPA + SAT or Accuplacer scores Summer: April 1 Fall: August 1 Spring: December 15 Point University 3.2 Academic GPA Fall & Spring: May 1st Savannah Tech 2.5 Cumulative GPA Summer: May 24 Fall: August 2 Savannah State Summer: April 15 Fall: April 15 Spring: November 15
Point University Registration 1. We began the registration process for Point students in March. 2. Point students will then be registered for the Fall and Spring terms. 3. We are registering students who qualify to take classes with Point based on their Academic GPA of 3.2 or above. 4. Students who are interested in registering with Point University continue with the process or choose a different college to attend. (NOTE: The Point courses offered at Woodville are limited to English 101 & 102, World History, College Algebra, Economics and 2 electives. Some of our students have completed some of these classes and would prefer to take other classes at another college). 5. Each semester, Professors from Point University come to Woodville to teach a college class during 1st, 2nd or 5th
Registration Process for other Colleges Each student must apply to the college online and meet the college GPA and test score requirements. Student must submit either SAT, ACT or Accuplacer scores. Students register for classes they need for graduation and a Counselor approves and signs the Participation Form. The student takes the Participation Form to the college and registers. A college advisor will provide the times the class is available or inform the student if the class is full and no longer available. Once the student is registered for classes at the college, the student will bring a copy of the College schedule to the Counseling Office. We then make changes to their High School classes as needed to help fit the college class into the student’s schedule Each student must apply to the college online and meet the college GPA and test score requirements. Student must submit either SAT, ACT or Accuplacer scores. Students register for classes they need for graduation and a Counselor approves and signs the Participation Form. The student takes the Participation Form to the college and registers. A college advisor will provide the times the class is available or inform the student if the class is full and no longer available. Once the student is registered for classes at the college, the student will bring a copy of the College schedule to the Counseling Office. We then make changes to their High School classes as needed to help fit the college class into the student’s schedule
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions 1. All the colleges that Chatham County Schools partner with are SACS accredited. The courses transfer to MOST other colleges.(Each student must do their own research about the college they wish to attend after graduation). 2. Sometimes students pass the class with a D or receive an F on their college transcript. Most colleges require that a student pass the class with a C or better or the class will not count. 3. Dual Enrollment classes count as a Pathway. 4. Typical College Schedule. Some students may not have to take any classes with the college on Fridays. Usually a class will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays only or Tues/Thurs. 5. If a student does not have transportation to the college, the student can choose to take the class online. The student will not need to be on our campus to take an online class. They can take the class from home. 1. All the colleges that Chatham County Schools partner with are SACS accredited. The courses transfer to MOST other colleges.(Each student must do their own research about the college they wish to attend after graduation). 2. Sometimes students pass the class with a D or receive an F on their college transcript. Most colleges require that a student pass the class with a C or better or the class will not count. 3. Dual Enrollment classes count as a Pathway. 4. Typical College Schedule. Some students may not have to take any classes with the college on Fridays. Usually a class will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays only or Tues/Thurs. 5. If a student does not have transportation to the college, the student can choose to take the class online. The student will not need to be on our campus to take an online class. They can take the class from home.
Which Classes Transfer? Required High School Courses College Classes 4 years of ENGLISH English 1101 + English 1102 4 years of MATH College Algebra or Statistics 4 years of SCIENCE Environmental Science Or Astronomy (Other Options Available) 4 years of SOCIAL STUDIES American Government World History US History Economics These College classes will only satisfy 1 class, specifically the senior requirement for English, Math and Science
Typical DE College Schedule JUNIORS NEW SENIORS (who have completed all graduation requirements). Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays & Thursdays English 1101 on campus or online 1st or 5th class of the day. World History Regular High School Classes 2-5th block 2nd- 5th block Monday’s & Wednesday’s Tuesday’s & Thursday’s English 1101 on campus or online World History * College Algebra Psychology Students must leave the building after 10am if a student has completed their pathway courses.
Typical DE College Schedule Semester 2 JUNIORS SENIORS (who have completed all graduation requirements). Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays & Thursdays English 1102 on campus or online Sociology or Psych Regular High School Classes 2-5th block 2nd- 5th block Monday’s & Wednesday’s Tuesday’s & Thursday’s English 1102 on campus or online US History Economics Sociology or Biology Students must leave the building after 10am if a student has completed their pathway courses.
Part-time VS. Full Time College Schedule JUNIORS: SENIORS: Part time: 1-2 Classes (3-6 college credits). English 101 and a Social Science Full-Time: 3-4 classes. (12-15 college credits).
High School & College Credits With DE, You are no longer simply a high school student; you are also a college student. As a college student, you are no longer able to attend field trips with your classmates because you will miss class. Each college has a different policy on attendance. For Example: Point University will drop a student after 6 absences. That is the University’s policy. DE is a FREE program. The only FEE associated with DE is: Paying for Science Labs: $75 or if the student loses a college book.
What if my student fails their DE college class? If a student fails a Dual Enrollment class it will affect their Hope GPA. The most difficult class our students take is College Algebra. Please note that students can sign up for tutoring with math teachers here at the school they attend or from tutoring services at the college. However if student still fails the class, they will receive a W on college transcript, but for high school the student will receive an F because we cannot add a W on HS transcripts (Only grades of A-F).
Eligible Vs. Who is Ready If a student is: *Disorganized *A Perfectionist *Unwilling to ask for help *Relies heavily on parents Then student may want to reconsider if he/she is ready. (Information adapted from a DE College) 1. When evaluating whether a student is ready for college-level coursework look beyond GPA and Coursework. 2. If a student is: *Disorganized *A Perfectionist *Unwilling to ask for help *Relies heavily on parents Then student may want to reconsider if he/she is ready.
Student with Disabilities Colleges abide by ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Student must voluntarily disclose disability and provide documentation to the college. Reasonable accommodations based on documentation. Student must become self-advocates. (Information adapted from a DE College)
Thank you for your attention and participation! Any Questions? Contact Info: Ms. Mosier -Lead Counselor & students with last names K-Z. Kirsteen.Mosier@sccpss.com Ms. Moore–Counselor Clerk Yolanda.moore@sccpss.com