Exoplanets Ioannis Paraskevas
Introduction planets outside the Solar System First exoplanet announced in 1992 More than a thousand such planets have been discovered (1075) 3,568 candidate planets nearest known exoplanet, is Alpha Centauri Bb confirmed planets are gas giants
Problems with detection Vast distances Small Dim
Methods of detection Radial velocity Transit method Gravitational microlensing
Radial velocity method by far the most productive method star moves in its own small orbit around the system's center of mass radial velocity can be detected from spectral lines Extremely small radial-velocity variations, 1 m/s or even somewhat less
Transit method second most productive method planet crosses in front of its parent star observed brightness of the star drops by a small amount reveals the radius of a planet
Gravitational microlensing gravitational field of a star acts like a lens magnifies the light of a distant background star most sensitive to detecting planets around 1–10 AU away from Sun-like stars
Ultimate goal Find : an Earth-like planet Extraterrestrial civilizations
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