Adding signatures to outgoing email in Webmail and Microsoft Outlook Precision Spine Inc. Adding signatures to outgoing email in Webmail and Microsoft Outlook
Signature Format Guideline
Note: All email signatures should include the approved company logo and disclosure statement. The company logo is an exception for Webmail signatures, as the Webmail app does not have the functionality of inserting images. The company logo can be found on the S: drive. The file name is “2065 Precision Spine.jpg.” When creating your signatures, please follow the format below: (First and Last Names) (Department or Title) Precision Spine, Inc. (Contact Number and Extension) (Alternate Contact Number) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail transmission (including any attachments) is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. This transmission may contain information that is confidential or privileged or otherwise protected from use or disclosure. If you are not one of the named addressee(s), (1) you may not read, use, copy, distribute or disclose the transmission or any information contained therein, and (2) please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and then delete the transmission. Thank you. We believe this e-mail and any attachment to be virus and defect free, but accept no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.
Webmail Signatures
Step 1: Once you are logged into Webmail, click the Options menu near the upper right corner, then click “See All Options.”
Step 2: At this screen, look to the menu on the left and click “Settings.” Next, if it isn’t already selected by default, you will click the icon labeled “Mail.”
Step 3: Next you will need to enter your info for your signature in the text entry box. Make sure the option for “Automatically include my signature on messages I send” is selected. Then click “Save” in the lower right hand corner.
Microsoft Outlook Signatures
Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook, then click on the file tab in the upper left corner.
Step 2: At the next screen, click “Options” in the menu on the left.
Step 3: At the options window, click “Mail” in the left menu, then click the “Signatures” button on the right side of the window.
Step 4: (Figure 1) - You should now see the main signatures window Step 4: (Figure 1) - You should now see the main signatures window. From here you will click the “New” button. (Figure 2) -When the New Signature window appears, enter a name for your signature, then click “OK.” Figure 1 Figure 2
Step 5: The signatures and stationary screen should now show the name you gave your signature in the previous step. Be sure to go to the pull-down menus for “New Messages” and “Replies/Forwards”, and make sure your new signature name is selected for both. Please proceed to step 6 of this guide, and do NOT click the “OK” button yet.
Step 6: Go to the S: drive and open the Microsoft Word document name “Precision Spine Email Signature Template.” Copy all of the content in this document. This will need to be pasted into the outlook signature window.
Step 7: Paste the content from the MS Word template, into the “Edit Signature” section of the signatures window.
Step 8: Now change the pasted text from the template, to match your own personal business info. Please do not use unique colors or images. The Precision Spine logo should be the only image in your signature. Be sure not to modify the Precision Spine logo, or modify the disclosure statement at the very bottom of the signature. Once you are done entering your own info, click the “OK” button.
Step 9: Open a new email and you should now see your signature automatically being inserted. Check for any typos or other errors.