DTM & Partners Toolkit for Useful and Usable Data DTM & Partners Toolkit Purpose, Structure and Main Tools Briefing for DTM, Clusters, authorities, WGs, Sectors, IOM Programmes and other partners
Objectives of this session At the end of this session you will be able to: Explain the purpose of the DTM&Partners Toolkit Explain the structure of the toolkit List some of the type of tools in the toolkit List the 3 tools to start from
Acknowledgement and thank-you The tools in the toolkit are based on best practices in the humanitarian sector and were developed in consultations with DTM, Global Cluster /AoR/WGs and other partners. Some of the tools are adapted from work done by the Working Group on Useful and Usable Data and Analysis (EDAUUR) under the Grand Bargain work stream on Needs Assessment. The EDAUUR working group is composed by: Global Clusters and AoRs (including Global CCCM Cluster, Global Child Protection AoR, Global Education Cluster, Global Food Security Cluster, Global GBV AoR, EGlobal Health Cluster, Global Protection Cluster, Global Shelter Cluster, Global UNICEF Cluster Coordination Team, Global WASH Cluster UN Offices and Agencies (including UNHCR FICS, WFP VAM, OCHA FIS, OCHA NAAS, IOM DTM) Donors (including DIFD, ECHO, OFDA) NGOs (including MapAction, REACH - Impact, DRC, Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Terre Des Hommes Lausanne) and Other organizations and initiatives (including ACAPS, JIPS, PIM, ICRC) This work is the result of years of combined experience and months of targeted effort: DTM team is grateful to all those who contributed.
Toolkit helps effective cooperation for useful and usable data Purpose of the DTM & Partners Toolkit Toolkit helps effective cooperation for useful and usable data Tools help DTM and Partners in the field effectively cooperate to obtain useful and usable data from DTM. Tools are designed to accompany DTM and Partners through the common approach (explained in previous briefing). Most tools are of interest to both DTM and Partners. Tools guide and help IM/data experts, Subject- Matter experts, Cultural experts and Decision- Makers along the Assessment process.
Structure of the DTM & Partners Toolkit 1/2 The structure of the Toolkit follows the steps of the Assessment Process There are tools to help identify data users and information needs, tools to guide on roles of DTM and partners in the analysis process, examples of questions and data plan, developed with Global Clusters, WGs and AoRs. There are tools to facilitate safe data sharing, keep track of feedback and actions taken, and to ensure reports and data are well understood by partners. In addition, there are specific tools to help explain the approach, introduce DTM to partners and solve practical challenges identified in the field.
Each folder includes main documents and additional documents Structure of the DTM & Partners Toolkit 2/2 Each folder includes main documents and additional documents
Tools include Checklists, Visuals, Guidance Options, and Templates Type of Tools Tools include Checklists, Visuals, Guidance Options, and Templates
Starting with Main Tools Start from “FAQs on DTM”, “Pocket Guide to the shared approach” and “DTM Field Companion” The toolkit includes, among others: DTM Methodological Framework A “Problem tree” for DTM & Partner cooperation Specific examples of cooperation with sectors Guidance to severity and priority analysis Data Sharing Agreements forms As a starting point, check: A “Pocket Guide” to the shared approach Frequently Asked Questions on DTM DTM Field Companion for Location Assessment Sectoral Questions (developed with Global Clusters, AoRs, WGs and Partners)
Recap Can you: Explain the purpose of the DTM&Partners Toolkit? Explain the structure of the toolkit? List some of the type of tools in the toolkit? List the 3 tools to consider first?
Toolkit: https://displacement.iom.int/initiatives/dtm-partners-toolkit Field Companion for Location Assessment Sectoral Questions in: DTM & Partners toolkit Toolkit: https://displacement.iom.int/initiatives/dtm-partners-toolkit Next segment will illustrate DTM Field Companion for Location Assessment Sectoral Questions in details