Euler-Venn diagram showing concordance of MTB decision with OncoKB recommendations for molecular driven targeted therapy; comparison of (A) MTB and ttNGS cohort, (B) MTB and lbNGS cohort and (C) matched MTB, lbNGS and ttNGS. lbNGS, liquid biopsy NGS; MTB, molecular tumour board; NGS, next generation sequencing; ttNGS, tumour tissue NGS. Euler-Venn diagram showing concordance of MTB decision with OncoKB recommendations for molecular driven targeted therapy; comparison of (A) MTB and ttNGS cohort, (B) MTB and lbNGS cohort and (C) matched MTB, lbNGS and ttNGS. lbNGS, liquid biopsy NGS; MTB, molecular tumour board; NGS, next generation sequencing; ttNGS, tumour tissue NGS. Christian Rolfo et al. ESMO Open 2018;3:e000398 Copyright © European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved.