EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS California Department of Public Health Department of Health Care Services July 15, 2019
Purpose of PHEP and HPP Funds to strengthen and enhance the capabilities of state, local, and territorial public health and health care systems to respond effectively (mitigate the loss of life and reduce the threats to the community’s health and safety) . to strengthen and enhance the readiness of the public health and the health care delivery system to save lives during emergencies that exceed the day-to-day capacity and capability of the public health and medical emergency response systems.
Funding information Emergency Preparedness Funding source ~ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS (PHEP) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), Hospital preparedness program (HPP) One-time supplemental funding such as ebola, zika opioids, etc. How the funding is allocated
Amador and Tuolumne Counties Public Health and Tribal partners created the Preparedness Collaborative workgroup and meet quarterly Tribal partners attended FEMA training for response to all-hazards threats in Tribal Communities Tribal partners participate in HCC meetings and Emergency Preparedness drills and exercises LHD provides information to Tribal partners regarding Point of Dispensing (POD) Sites The Tribal Emergency Manager evaluated the LHD’s Statewide Medical and Health Exercise (SWMHE); 3 months later the HPP and HCC Coordinators evaluated a Tribal-wide active shooter tabletop exercise Tribal partners attend HCC meetings and Emergency Preparedness trainings, and participate in drills/exercises Tribal partners have shared their resources and support to coalition members during exercise and real events 1 4
Kings and Fresno Counties Public Health attended the National Tribal Emergency Preparedness Conference, the Central Valley Tribal Emergency Manger Conference, the Tribal Health and Wellness Fair, and the Tribal Networking Breakfast with the County Office of Emergency Services helping to strengthen the partnership Public Health partnered with Tribal partners to present on emergency preparedness Public Health participated in the April 2017 Central Valley Tribal Emergency Management Summit and several health fairs with Tribal partners Tribal partners attended the LHD’s Closed POD training and FEMA’s Emergency Preparedness training related to the new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rules 1 5
Santa Clara and Contra Costa Counties Public Health attended the Annual Indian Heritage Celebration, presented at the American Indian Alliance meeting, and the Indian Health Center (IHC) Health Fair Tribal partners participate in planning meetings for the SWMHE and participated in the SWMHE table top exercise Tribal partners participated in the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment meeting hosted by the HCC Public Health has a Mutual Assistance Agreement in place with their Tribal partner The agreement outlines the partnership and assistance the LHD and Tribal partner will provide one another during a region-wide health emergency 1 6
Emergency Preparedness & Response Program CDPH & Department Of Health Care Services (DHCS) Have An Interagency Agreement Whereas DHCS Is Tasked With Providing Outreach, Education, And Technical Assistance To American Indian Health Clinics, Tribal Leaders, And Tribal Communities On All Hazard Emergency Preparedness Planning And Response. The DHCS Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Provides On- site Technical Assistance And Training And Facilitates Communication Between Tribes And Clinics.
DHCS Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Services On-site Assistance Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) - Technical assistance for emergency preparedness activities - Development & Review of Plans After Action Report (AAR) – Development & Review Table Top Exercise – Development & Review Trainings – Communication Plans, Implementing Emergency Preparedness Requirements, Active Shooter, FEMA courses, Behavioral health and Psychological First Aid CAHAN – Promote Membership All services are offered at no cost to the health programs or tribes.
Emergency Preparedness & Response Program Contact Information Please contact Joshua Standing Horse with any questions, request for assistance or training suggestions. joshua.standinghorse@dhcs.ca.gov 916-713-8617
California’s Response Structure 1 10
Public health and medical systems The Public Health and Medical System in California is made up of many organizations, both public and private 61 Local Health Departments (LHDs) – Public Health 58 Counties and 3 cities (Berkeley, Pasadena, and Long Beach) 32 Local Emergency Medical Services Agencies (LEMSAs) - Medical
Response Structure
Standardized Emergency Management System The generic management principles can be applied to any organization or event, for both emergency of non-emergency situations. For example: small business organization, weddings and conferences. The generic management principles are the same for emergency as well as normal day-to-day business organizations. Planning is planning, Logistics is logistics etc. whether emergency or day-to-day activities.
Medical and Health Operational Area Coordination (MHOAC) Program In order to accomplish public health, environmental health and medical functions (17 identified by statue), expectations of a mhoac program will include: Operational area 24/7 point of contact for public health and medical information Gathers information from response partners Provides situation reports Maintains a directory of health and medical resources in the operational area