Global Fund Civil Society Implementers Forum Yvonne Kahimbura 25th June 2019, Kampala
Objectives of the meeting To disseminate the findings of two key studies: The Assessment of Civil Society Principle Recipients in Anglophone and Luciphone Africa; & The Grant Absorption. To share learnings, tools and experiences amongst the CS PRs from the two regions; To strengthen CS Implementers understanding of Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH), Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) and Community Based Monitoring (CBM); and To reflect and agree on sustaining the Dialogue and Exchange amongst CS PRs.
EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES Dissemination and discussion of the study findings; and application of learnings to enhance grant implementation; Sharing of best practices and lessons learned amongst CS PRs to facilitate learning on how to resolve common challenges; Increased knowledge and understanding of RSSH, CSS, Community Responses and CBM and the role of CS; and Consensus on how to sustain the dialogue and exchange of experiences, best practices & tools. A review of repository of knowledge, tools, protocols and guidelines developed by CS PRs and tools in the region Establishment of a regional Community of Practice for CS PRs including the endorsement of its governance structure and ToRs; Development of a robust calendar of events detailing topics for discussions and medium of interaction amongst the PRs.
Facilitators will use a mix of learning activities including: METHODLOGY Highly participatory, practical and action oriented, suited to adult learning; Facilitators will use a mix of learning activities including: PowerPoint presentations; Interactive plenary discussions; Q & A Sessions; Panel discussions; and Debates
Key Ground rules for the meeting Show up on time and come prepared. Be prompt in arriving to the meeting and in returning from breaks. ... Stay mentally and physically present. ... Contribute to meeting goals. ... Let everyone participate. ... Listen with an open mind. ... Think before speaking. ... Stay on point and on time. ... Attack the problem, not the person