4 Main ingredients of Pastries What function and nutrients do the following ingredients add? INGREDIENT FUNCTION NUTRIENT Flour Structure Ice Water Develops gluten and gives steam Fat Tenderizer, flavor, flakiness Salt (OPTIONAL) flavor
Types of Pies Single crust: one pastry base, with a filling. When “baking blind” you prepare the pie crust without a filling, then add it later. Cream pies are done this way Double Crust Pie: two pastries; one as the base, one as the top or cover (Lattice or solid top) Tart: single shell, usually folded top for decoration, filled center. Removed from pan before served.
GLUTEN IN PASTRIES AND PIES Gluten helps to form the structure or base of pastries. Traps steams to produce a more flakey texture
Tough Pastries Too much flour to liquid/fat ratio Over working with hands Prevent by: Don’t over mix- be gentle with ALL doughs Use Ice water to keep fat from melting Don’t add too much flour
Keeping Pies Why? Proteins start to break down and go bad\ Refrigerate pies that are: Savory Cream/Custard Why? Proteins start to break down and go bad\
How to make pastry and pie dough video *start at 32 seconds, end at 2:40