Mrs. Cheryl Kimbrough AP English III: Language and Composition Website: Phone: 281-634-7087 Tutorials: Wednesday and Thursday 2:45-3:45
AP English III Language and Composition Course Overview This class is by design a college-level course. We will be reading rigorous texts, mostly nonfiction in class, and a novel each semester. The reading will serve as our material for analysis and will inform all writing assignments. A major process paper will be assigned each nine weeks. In class we will practice AP timed writings regularly in the genres assessed on the AP Lang exam: Synthesis Analysis Argument
AP English III: Language and Composition Course Overview Summer reading: East of Eden The Crucible Year Overview: Semester One The Scarlet Letter—students responsible for obtaining their own copy Nonfiction selections from our textbooks Satirical selections from our textbooks Semester Two The Great Gatsby—students responsible for obtaining their own copy Argument Writing and Analysis from The Riverside Reader Research Literature Circles
Ongoing: Formative Investigation Reading and Writing Students will conduct ongoing research regarding a current topic of state/US/world news. Each month, students will read at least one journalistic or commentary piece. Then they will write a rhetorical précis which summarizes the article and analyzes the writing style and objectivity of the piece. Each month’s article must come from a different source so that students can see how perspectives can vary between news outlets, and how standards of reporting can differ as well.
Why should a student take AP Courses? Research demonstrating that AP courses increase students’ college readiness and completion is incontrovertible. The success of the AP program is due, in part, to the academic rigor of Pre-AP and AP courses. Experimental research studies have proven that participation in the AP program is significantly correlated with college readiness. Source: