UCLA Health Data Analytics Strategy Mohammed Mahbouba, MD, MS Chief Data Officer
From Data Analytics to Dharma Dharma is the reality that lies beyond our delusions and the reality about how these delusions give rise to suffering, and the implication of all of this on our conduct. Dharma is about the way we should behave in light of the way things are. It is both description and prescription. It is the truth and the way.
AI/ML | NLP | APIs | IoT | Big Data Operations | Discovery | Research Reports | Dashboards AI/ML | NLP | APIs | IoT | Big Data Operations | Discovery | Research Knowledge Sharing | EHR Integration | Collaboration | Commercialization Governance Data-Driven Actionable Insights Wrong decisions leading to suffering (self and others) Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive, Prescriptive Enlightenment and Nirvana
Solutions and Services UCLA Health xDR xDR Tools Solutions and Services Data Stores Implementation
Machine Learning (ML) Only a small fraction of real-world ML systems are composed of the ML code, as shown by the small black box in the middle. The required surrounding infrastructure is vast and complex. Hidden Technical Debt In Machine Learning Systems https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5656-hidden-technical-debt-in-machine-learning-systems.pdf
Clinical Research User Profiles Commercialize Research Lab Integrate Collaborate Identify Drill Explore Access Data Charge for Access Development HPC Integrate insights back into the EHR Within & Outside UCLA Honest Broker IRB Approval Save Further Explore Discover Share 7 6 5 4 Discovery Data Repository (DDR) & Dashboard Easy Access Flexible and scalable solution Limited Data Set Date Shifted First Generation with robust roadmap 3 2 1
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Discovery Data Repository and Interactive Dashboard Vu Vu Manager, Analytic Solutions Anna Liza Antonio, DrPH Data Scientist, Advanced Analytics
Target Audience – Our Four User Groups
The Offering – A Data Repository and Interactive Dashboards Discovery Data Repository (DDR) EHR Data (CareConnect) Data is derived from Foundational Data Marts Database on Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse Development Tools: Jupyter Notebook, R Studio, Sql Client, Excel Discovery Data Repository (DDR) Dashboard Cohort Discovery Tool, Tableau Visual Front End Data derived from DDR powers the Dashboard Focus on 5 main clinical concepts
Interactive Visualizations Powered by DDR Discovery Data Repository (DDR) Dashboard The Data Set Encounters and Patients counts were reduced by looking for Encounters that had a Diagnosis, Procedure, or Medication The Challenge ~270,000,000 rows (Star Schema) Complex Logic, non-tabular data model Return results interactively and in an engaging way Scalable Performance is a priority
Use an Analytical Data Engine (SSAS) in the Cloud (Azure) In a nutshell, SSAS technology helps to create OLAP cubes — a data structure that overcomes the limitations of relational databases by providing rapid analysis of data Cloud Computing for High Performance.
DDR Product Roadmap
DDR Dashboard is Live!! https://tableau.mednet.ucla.edu/#/site/Production/views/DiscoveryDataRepositoryDashboard/Filters
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