Source Interpretation Click on the title of each slide to ready the article. Answer the questions for each article. The readings get more challenging starting at level 1 progressing to level 3.
Reading Level One: Great Pacific Garbage Patch A In every square mile of ocean how many pieces of floating plastic is there? A State two other names for The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. M There are some serious environmental impacts here. Give two specific examples of how rubbish in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch impacts sea creatures. E There are 5 ways to help reduce our environmental impact listed in the article. Which do you think is the most effective? Justify your answer.
Reading Level Two: Pacific nations beg for help A Pacific nations are asking bigger, richer countries for help. What are they asking them to do, specifically? A How fast is the sea level rising in the Pacific? M David Ritter, President of Greenpeace Australia, believe Australia should be doing more to help countries like Kiribati. Explain why he thinks this and use a quote from the article to back up your answer. E Write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) to explain the long term consequences for the people of the Pacific if they have to move islands. In your answer, you should use specific examples from the article to back up what you say.
Reading Level Three: Hawaii ponders impact of global warming on tourism A Other than rising sea levels, what is one specific environmental impact of global warming for Hawaii mentioned in this article? A Why, according to the article, is sea level rise “one of the biggest challenges” for Hawaii? M Explain how global warming means that “marine life diversity will suffer”. E How does the concept of ‘impacts’ relate to the issues raised in this article? Write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) to explain. In your answer, you should use specific examples from the article to back up what you say.