Cardiorespiratory function in video EEG-monitored sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) cases. Cardiorespiratory function in video EEG-monitored sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) cases. Individual patterns of postictal cardiorespiratory functions from SUDEP cases, starting from the end of each fatal seizure, in patients with video EEG-monitored SUDEP for which both respiration and heart rates could be measured by an expert panel. The black arrows indicate the early postictal collapse of respiratory and cardiac rates during the first 3 min postictally, leading to immediate death in three patients (A–C). A similar pattern was observed in another case (D) for which transient arrest of recording occurred. In other cases (E–I), cardiorespiratory functions were transiently and partially restored, until terminal apnoea occurred, followed by terminal asystole. From Ryvlin, Lancet Neurology, 2013.25 Brian J Dlouhy et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;87:402-413 ©2016 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd