Shelagh Hansom
The Trans-Alaskan Oil Pipeline Developing the Tundra
The Route of the Trans Alaskan Pipeline 1300 km
Route of pipeline under construction Gravel bed being laid
Pipeline construction
Pipeline is buried on a layer of well drained sandy gravel,covered with gravel padding & filled with soil
Aerial view of the pipeline Highway
Zig zag pattern to allow for expansion & contraction Gravel beds to prevent subsidence during summer thawing of thin top layer underpass
GATE VALVE – 86 remote & 9 manual
Change from pipeline on stilts to being buried underground
The pipeline in winter
The Dalton Highway Rocky Mountains pipeline
Pipeline bridges – 600 streams & rivers to cross!!
Yukon River bridge Pipeline & vehicles
VALDEZ – rebuilt on solid rock for earthquake protection
Oil tanker leaving Valdez in Southern Alaska Ice free all year
Escort ship Tanker