Buttsbury Junior School Academy


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Presentation transcript:

Buttsbury Junior School Academy We can’t wait to welcome your children and you to Year 3!

Introductions Mrs A. Robinson – Head Teacher Miss N. Miller – Year 3 Leader Year 3 Team ……

Your Year 3 Team Miss N. Miller – Year Leader (3M) Miss H. McGoldrick (3Mc) Miss L. Pretty (3P) Miss O. Roe (3R)

Getting over the Nerves… ADD PHOTOS FROM INFANT VISIT

Year 2 to 3 Bridging Yr 3 staff have spent 2 days at the Infants. (Miss McGoldrick will be visiting her class on Monday 24th June) Yr 2 children are coming to visit on Friday 28th June. Yr 3 visiting Yr 2 Tuesday 9th July Holiday activity will be set before the end of term. Children write back to the Infants in Autumn Yr 2 teachers spend a day at the Juniors in the Autumn Term.

Junior School Visit Friday 28th June The infant staff will bring the children over and collect them. Children will be in their new classrooms with their new Class Teacher. Activities will include Literacy and Art. Bring a healthy snack for playtime and a packed lunch or order a school dinner. Yr 5 children will ‘buddy’ the Yr 2s at break and lunch time.

Your Child’s First Day Wednesday 4th September 2019. Please arrive for 9.00am – first day only. Children to line up in their classes in the playground. Teachers will be there to greet the children. Parents please stand at the side or back of the playground. Parents will be allowed into the playground after school during the first week. Please ensure your child knows where to meet you at 3.15pm. After the first day, the children will be allowed into their classroom from 8.35am

National Curriculum More information coverage at the Year 3 Curriculum Share evening on Monday 9th Sept 2019 Sets for maths baseline assessment in first week Fluid sets Will be in contact if there are any concerns or a child is going to move sets. Don’t be disheartened if your child is the not in the set that they are in at the infants. Curriculum share 3.30 and 4pm

Your Child’s Belongings All clothing and PE kit to be clearly named. Children require plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor Games (NO football boots) Lunch boxes and water bottles to be named Old shirt needed for painting & art work Pencil cases are optional (small please) Coloured pencils, pencil, ruler, rubber and sharpener No ‘Blott-type’ rubbers that you can take apart School bags need to be small

Uniform Collared blue shirt (no polo tops) Grey trousers, shorts or skirts Black shoes (no trainers unless there is a medical reason) No bracelets/loom bands No playsuits No large or flowery hair accessories No nail varnish No number 1 hair cuts for boys Collared shirt and different PE kit +blue socks

P.E Kit School P.E top Change of socks No earrings for PE - please get them pierced during the summer if you intend to next year. Hair ties needed.

Playtime & Lunchtime Yr 3 will have a separate playground the first week. Yr 5 Buddies to ‘look out’ for Yr 3 children. Healthy snacks & drinks only. School Lunch menu can be found on school website. Lunchtime shed - small soft balls can be played with at lunchtime only (provided by the school)

Homework Homework is set every Thursday Handed in for Tuesday 30min task Literacy Rotation of Book review, GPS, Comprehension and Writing task Challenges 1-3 (3 = most challenging) Maths – arithmetic and questions related to the topic taught that week Also regular reading (at least 3 times a week) to be recorded in your child’s Reading Diary

Spellings Spellings are set every half term Paper copy given and they will be on the school website Learn the rule and statutory words Challenges each week Spellings are incorporated into two handwriting sessions and two spelling sessions a week in class Test on Friday Results will be written in your child’s Reading Diary so please make sure that it is in school

General Organisation Dinner money - £2.05 per day from September All money for dinners and trips is payable on Parentpay. Activate your account immediately. If your child requires a school dinner on 28th June then please pay via Parentpay and ensure you have sent the order slip to the office. Absences: Please ring the school office (Select option 1) If the office have not heard from you by 10.00am they will ring you. Note to Class Teacher on return.

Parent Helpers & Trips Reading Art & Design Technology Mornings Visits: Chelmsford Cathedral Pantomime South Weald Country Park Norsey Woods Colchester Zoo

Christmas Production and Winter fun

Rewards House Points Rainbow Awards Merits Headteacher’s Awards Top table Awards We only give out 5 every two weeks.

House Points Awarded for good manners, line of the day, homework etc… Children are given house points to accumulate as part of a House team. The team with the most points each week is announced in assembly. The winning House each half term have 20 minutes extra playtime.

Rainbow Awards Children are given stickers to accumulate 10 per colour of the rainbow. When they reach ten they are awarded a Rainbow colour reward and it is awarded in the Friday Celebration Assembly. Pot of Gold (30 stickers)

Merits Awarded for showing exceptional effort or improvement in their class work Every fortnight we have a Celebration Assembly 3 merits Writer of the Week Mathematician of the Week. Reader of the Week

Headteacher’s Awards Top table Awards 50 things… Demonstrating exceptional commitment to a cause or activity showing the child has gone above and beyond normal expectations. Top table Awards For making healthy choices at lunchtime with their meals. For supporting other children to play and join in with games. Nominations made by Midday Assistants 50 things… A booklet will be given to each child with a list of 50 things to be completed over their time at BJS. Children to bring in evidence that it is completed and the teacher will sign it off.

Parent Communications Year 3 Newsletter Weekly Newsletter from Mrs Robinson Reading Diary (Reading Books) Parents’ Evenings - Autumn & Spring Celebration Evening in Summer Term Curriculum Share Evening If you need to see your child’s Class Teacher please make an appointment through the school office Please speak to us if you have any concerns Reading records checked once a week – Monday.

School Website – school diary, uniform online through Mapac & school prospectus The term dates for 2019/20 are available on the website

School Systems Attendance Pupil Premium Parent Pay and Parent Mail Parking Notes to teachers Clubs Ann does this

And Finally... ALL paper documents need to be sent back to school GDPR Data Collection Form Ensure Medical section is completed and email address (note medication) Any changes to be communicated to Mrs Byfield in the school office. Off site consent form Paracetamol consent form Photography consent form ICT acceptable use form Parentmail – giving consent Remember to activate your parent pay account. 28th June Yr 2 visit lunch order form. Consent form on Parent Mail and pay through parent pay

Buttsbury Junior School Academy We can’t wait to welcome your children and you to Year 3! Thank you for coming. Are there any questions?