Have a CoP of T in our Cafe Community of Practice (CoP) for training coordinators & managers Attribution 4.0 International
Who we are Informal group of people who coordinate training programmes of research & e-infrastructures – ARDC, CESSDA, DARIAH, EGI, ELIXIR, EOSCpilot, EOSC-hub, EUDAT, FOSTER, FREYA, GÉANT, OpenAIRE & PRACE Slack channel https://coptrainingeu.slack.com
Today’s agenda Open badges: What are they and how are they used ? - Giuseppe La Rocca, EGI Foundation Skills and competences frameworks, including the EOSCpilot consultation on its Skills and Capability Framework – Angus Whyte, DCC How to make training materials discoverable? - Ellen Leenarts, DANS Making an impact that matters – Irina Mikhailava, GÉANT [If we have time left] Organising Summer Schools and reflecting on the approach