Translocation factor Table Table 4. Zinc Translocation Factor of selected plants Name of the plant Shoot(Mg/Kg) Root(Mg/Kg) Translocation factor Table Acalypha indica 25.1061 92.9554 0.27 Abutilon indicum 214.5342 63.5544 3.3755 Physalisminima 59.4711 74.7914 0.7951 Cleome viscosa 41.225 32.6463 1.262 Catharanthus roseus 57.6706 9.9374 5.8033 Ruellia tuberosa 13.5726 10.0373 1.3522 Canna indica 36.9701 37.3969 0.9885 Perotis indica 84.4231 - Echinocloa colona 132.0207 Cyperus rotundus 12.6172 V. Subhashini et al. Pot Experiment: To Study the Uptake of Zinc by Different Plant Species in Artificially Contaminated Soil. World Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 2, 27-33. doi:10.12691/wjee-1-2-3 © The Author(s) 2013. Published by Science and Education Publishing.