This life: our shared human experience What makes us human? What is this life all about? How can the study of literature help us better understand this experience and grow as individuals?
Building understanding What is the "human condition"? The "human condition" is an important part of our understanding of literature. Literary critics often label a piece of writing as literature - and not pulp fiction - if it tries to describe this "human condition." Essentially, the discussion of the human condition is any thematic concern about human nature, human society or how we live our lives. In other words, it's about the fundamental issues of human existence. One of literature's central concerns is to comment on these issues; it might be better at it than psychology or philosophy!
If you are asked to make a theme statement about a piece of writing, the easiest way to identify a theme is to look for some challenge to the human condition. Look for common problems that any person - you included - might face sometime in his or her life. So let's be more specific. What kind of issues connected to "human nature, human society or how we live our lives" are we talking about? Well, it can mean MANY different things! Here are a few examples that come to mind:
What are things we share about how we live? How do we deal with racism and/or prejudice? How does one cope with loss? What leads to happiness? How do we forgive after hardship?
Human nature Are we naturally evil or good? Are we born with inherited traits or are we a "blank slate"? How does one express their identity with confidence? What makes a good leader?
Human society What's the best way to live together? Should we care for the weak and poor or let them fend for themselves? How do we alleviate discrimination? How should society treat the environment?
What makes us human? As a group, brainstorm what you think answers this question. Is it our need to love? Our willingness to make mistakes and learn? For example….”our ability to care for others and feel empathy?”
Why inquiry? Inquiry is a study into a worthy question, issue, problem or idea. It is the authentic, real work that that someone in the community might tackle. It is the type of work that those working in the disciplines actually undertake to create or build knowledge. Therefore, inquiry involves serious engagement and investigation and the active creation and testing of new knowledge with a final step of deep reflection regarding “lesson learned”. Source:
Is student driven Emphasizes asking good researchable questions Requires ongoing reflection and information compiling Connections, connections, connections Reflects on learning as a key piece of understanding A better understanding of the world and driven by questions of interest regarding the human condition Questions d life lessons
Why inquiry It may be that traditional education will start becoming more and more like inquiry-based learning over time. Why? Because an inquiry-based approach is more web-like in how students pursue knowledge, as opposed to the linear, vertical and compartmentalized structure of traditional education. As the web- like Internet increasingly permeates society and education, the traditional structures will have to adapt to the forms of the new media Source: approach/intro-inquiry-learning/intro-inquiry-learning
Inquiry process: the model
Possible information sources to create questions You will be reading children’s books to create theme statements that can be transformed into deep inquiry questions.
What does an inquiry question look like? How do we cope with loss? How does a person’s actions impact others? How can a person face the struggles of the past? Why is loneliness a difficult emotion to overcome? How does one alleviate loneliness? Why is it important to help others? How can we overcome tragic events? How can we stop being victims of bullying?
STEP ONE: FINDING THEME THOUGH CHILDREN’S BOOKS In your groups, you will read a children’s story. Together and independently read the book, take pictures of pages if needed. FYI there are book apps out there where you can upload each page and have an online book. What are the basic elements: plot, characters, setting (short story summary)? Fill out a finding theme worksheet. Both of these should be done using a collaborative document Everyone in the group should write a theme statement, you can decide to adapt your own or work as a group. STEP ONE: FINDING THEME THOUGH CHILDREN’S BOOKS
BUILDING UNDERSTANDING Now that you have a theme, and inquiry question, you need to find data to answer it. Building understanding worksheet, please open and save this on your device. Each group member must have their own, regardless of inquiry question. Media evidence: you will find some piece of digital expression relating to your inquiry question. This could be: Ted Talks, Youtube video, online blog, newspaper, etc. Beware of FAKE NEWS!! You will meet in two weeks with your group and you will each share your data.